Page 90 of Lilac

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Yeah, I was supposed to leave her alone, but I couldn’t help it.

Braxton was addicting.

[brax_n_lo_4eva]: You look like your pussy tastes better

Done trolling since I knew she wouldn’t respond, I pocketed my phone and turned to my friends. “I just have one question.”

Rich still wasn’t talking to me, so Houston stepped to the plate with a sigh. “What, Lo?”

“Assuming we win her over, how do we decide who gets her?”

“We don’t,” Houston informed me. “It has to be her choice.”

I liked the sound of that since I had more charm and charisma than both of them put together. I also had a leg up. Braxton would never speak to Rich again once she found out he was married, and Houston would have to grovel more since he’d been the biggest dick to her.

Lacing my fingers behind my head, I grinned at my evil master plan.

“Sounds good to me,” I said excitedly.

“I have a better plan,” Rich said slowly. He looked to Houston and then to me, and I knew I wasn’t going to like whatever the fuck came out of his mouth. “We share her.”It was late as fuck when Braxton finally returned to the bus. I was lying in my bunk, smoking, and forcing my eyes to stay on the movie playing as she got her shit together for a shower.

She was going to be mad as fuck when she realized I didn’t leave her any hot water again.

It was the first time I’d done the shit on purpose, hoping she yelled at me again. I was willing to take any scraps she gave me at this point. If I felt like this after only a week, I couldn’t imagine what I’d do when the year was up. She said she was just temporary, but maybe she didn’t have to be.

Drawing as much weed as I could into my lungs, I slowly exhaled.

One step at a time.

As soon as Braxton disappeared inside the bedroom, I rolled out of my bunk and snatched her bag from her bed.

“Lo!” Rich hissed so that Braxton wouldn’t hear. He’d been sulking in his bunk for the last hour too. “What are you doing?”

“Staying out of your business,” I tossed over my shoulder. “Return the favor?”

A joint in one hand and Braxton’s phone in the other, I typed in her passcode and then tapped the Instagram icon only to realize she’d logged out.


Not willing to give up, I tried a few combinations.

When I struck out on her full name, birthday, and all that simple shit, I switched tactics.bambi



houstonisabadlayI snorted when I struck gold on my final attempt before Instagram locked me out.lorenisadickI started to put her phone back once I unblocked myself until I realized there was no rush, unlike last time. Getting comfortable on the edge of Houston’s bunk since he was still out discussing shit with Xavier, I went to her photos. I thought her Instagram feed was good until I saw all the shit she didn’t post.


I was praying for a nude as I scrolled through all her photos, and just when I thought I wasn’t that lucky…

There was an aerial shot of her without a stitch of clothing, lying in her bunk alone, thick lips pursed, and staring at the camera as if she knew someone would find these photos. Her hair was spread out like wings on her pillow and around her shoulders while the light from the TV illuminated her pale skin.

She looked like an angel cast from heaven, but she didn’t fall.

She dove.

I felt my mouth watering as I stared at her dusky nipples and the gentle swell of her breasts. Her stomach was taut, the skin there smooth, and I even felt the urge to dip my tongue inside her belly button.

Just as I was admiring what I knew were soft thighs and thinking about what I really wanted hidden between them, her phone was snatched from my hands.

I’d been so caught up in her photo that I failed to hear Rich climb out of his bunk. He stood over me, holding Braxton’s phone in his fist and staring down at me in disapproval.

Toking on my joint, I watched as Rich glanced at the screen and then as he sucked in a breath at what he saw. It took him a second longer to realize he shouldn’t be looking either before exiting the photo and stuffing the phone back in her bag.

“Enjoyed that, did you?” I teased.

“Seriously, Lo. Grow up.” Shaking his head, he slid back into his bunk, and I chuckled under my breath when he stared at the top like he couldn’t get Braxton’s nude out of his head.

Welcome to the party.

Hearing the shower cut off, I climbed back in my bunk to resume my nightly ritual of smoking. Before I gave it up, I could never seem to sleep without getting high as fuck first, but I managed. Now it seemed to be having the opposite effect. I was too wired.

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