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“It’s even lovelier to meet you, my dear.” His eyes ate me up again, but they came right back to the blue of my own. “You have such lovely dark blue eyes.”

“Thank you,” I whispered softly with our bodies still close together. I couldn’t make my feet move away from him.

“Entrancing.” He stepped away first and went to the bar. I watched him walk only a foot away from me and took in the view from the back.

The front was all gorgeous business, but the back? A body made for sex, for admiring glances, for my touch. Right there on that pert, round ass. My fingers clenched at my sides, ready to slide over the taut muscles I saw.

“Celia! You can’t do this. Abort the mission. Abort the mission!” Becky stepped closer to me and pulled me around to face her.

I frowned, unhappy to have that view replaced with her face. I looked back and saw his gaze was on me, a cocky smile in place. Oh, he knew I was a goner, and he wasn’t shy about admitting that he knew I would be. Cheeky fucker.

But it made me smile back.

“Celia!” Becky said a little louder and I looked at her, a little miffed with her.

“What, Becky?” It came out a little snarly, a lot more than I meant it to, and she took a step back.

“I warned you about him earlier and he’s not the guy for you. If I’d known that it was him texting you, I would have told you to stop a long time ago. We saw him at the diner earlier. Remember?” She said it softly and I knew I’d hurt her feelings.

“It’s okay. He’s different with me.”

“But Celia, it’s not just hi…,” but I cut her off with a stern look.

“Leave it, Becky. I want to find out where this goes. If it’s a one-night stand, then fucking have a look at him. Who else would you want it to be with?” I sighed as I looked back at him and laughed a little when he winked at me. “And if it’s more? Then look at him…fuck.”

“I’ll leave you to it, then,” she said, and I could tell from her voice that she felt stung. I wanted to apologize, but Keith came up off the bar he’d leaned against and came back to me. She hadn’t pulled me that far away, but it was enough to see the loose swagger of his hips as he came back to me. A swagger that bragged about how well he could use those hips.

I made a sound, something like a whimper, and tilted my head up to look at him. I wasn’t short, but he was at least six foot three. Tall enough that I was forced to look up. It would be a lot of fun to crawl all over him. To grind down onto him as he sat up and sucked on my…

“Care for something a little stronger? I can take you back to my place.” His gaze was on mine and all I could do was nod mutely. He’d interrupted my fantasy, but the heat in his gaze matched mine. He knew exactly where my thoughts were, and we agreed silently that the time for waiting was over.

I know I’d planned to find a boyfriend. That the same plan said I’d wait six months before I gave up my precious gift, but that was a plan made before I saw Keith. Before he’d taught me what real desire was, even through a fucking text message. I was done waiting.


I heard a sound from Becky but didn’t turn around. I just walked out with a hunk of a man. I never envisioned he would look like this in my fantasy. He was more than I’d ever imagined and there was no way that I wasn’t leaving here without him.

Becky didn’t come from my world. She had no idea how I was feeling right now. I was enthralled and not even my only friend could break that spell. No matter how she tried as I left the bar and left my one friend that I’d had on campus behind.

Chapter Fourteen


Fuck! I thought about Becky and what it would mean going back to the bar, but I felt as if I was in a trance as I followed him to his house. It was only just across the street and we walked up the set of steps. He opened the door and walked in, and I wondered if we were alone. Was this his house? How could he afford it?

But those things didn’t matter, I decided as I slipped my boots from my feet and padded along behind him.

“Care for that drink, I promised?” he asked and led me into an empty living room. There was a drinks cabinet in one corner, and he went there now. He poured two square glasses with a small amount of amber liquid and brought one over to me. I stood there, the glass in my hand.

“Try it, it won’t bite. Much.” His smile was amused but his eyes said he already had me undressed and on my knees.

I swallowed the liquid in one gulp and then gasped. I put a hand to my chest, where the heat was the strongest and tried to breathe. Air finally started to come through and I sat down on the black couch behind me. “Sorry.”

“No worries. Scotch takes a little getting used to.” He stood over me, his eyes steady, reassuring.

“Do you have it often?” I asked innocently, my head in a spin as I wondered if I should get away from him. Give myself a minute to think about this, but I couldn’t move. The tension was too much.

“Yes, on occasion.” He said it softly as he came to stand in front of me. “Mainly when I need to wet my throat before a long session of talking. Or other activities.” He knelt in front of me and spread my knees apart.

He was making my blood boil and he hadn’t even touched me. I hadn’t eaten at the diner, but I wasn’t that kind of hungry anymore. No, this wasn’t that kind of hunger, this was a kind I didn’t quite understand yet.

He pulled me closer to his body and my legs slid into place around his waist. I could feel the heat there, where my center came to rest on the bulge in his pants. I was his for the taking and there was no resistance at all. I thought, only hours ago, that being this close to him, to my mystery texter would make me nervous. That I wouldn’t know what to do. Instead, here I was, running on instinct, and sure that this was what I wanted to do.

His eyes raked over me, then down to the place where our bodies met. I saw his tongue flick out, and it made my core clench even tighter inside of me.

I felt something twitch where he pressed against me and knew it was his cock. He was as hard as a rock and ready for me in a way that was impossible to ignore. I could feel the heat of his desire as it radiated through our clothes. I wanted him to make me his. I needed it and his body responded to that need.

His fingers gripped at my hips tightly as he ground his cock against me in a way that left no doubt as to what his intentions were. The pressure was so exquisite, the stimulation so overwhelming, that I wondered if I was going to embarrass myself by getting off right then and the

re. I let out a low moan, but he heard and chuckled quietly.

“I was going to offer you something else to drink,” he purred his voice a low vibration that made my ears hum with fascination. “But I don’t think you need it.”

“I’m fine,” I whispered, unable to make more sound than that. His hands pushed up the hem of my sweater dress, his eyes glued to the places he revealed. He looked up into my eyes when he saw the faint hint of my light blue cotton panties. When I didn’t protest, he pushed the dress higher and then over my head. He threw it away, behind him somewhere, but right now, I didn’t care.

I was just glad I had on the plain cotton, light blue bra that matched my panties. They might not be sexy silk and lace, but at least they matched. His hand roamed over my body, teased at the edges of my panties for a moment before he slid his hands up my waist until he the bottom edge of my bra.

His fingers didn’t probe any further yet, but he did cup the large globes in his hands. He squeezed gently, just enough to feel the weight of them. “They’re so beautiful.”

I couldn’t say anything, not yet. I was too fascinated with the sensation of his hands on me, in so many places, including my breasts. Breasts that no other person had ever touched, not in my entire life. When his fingers stroked over my cloth-covered nipples, my hips jerked, and I looked up at him afraid that I’d done something embarrassing.

Instead, I saw a grin of satisfaction and knew it was the response he craved. He did it again, so I let nature lead me and ground down into his hips, my eyes closed as I groaned loudly.

We were in his living room, on his couch, with the door open. Anyone could see us, but he didn’t seem to be concerned, so I didn’t let it bother me. I just concentrated on Keith’s hands and the way he touched me.

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