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The radio squawks, and I hear, “Wilcox.”

“Can you bring me a set of crutches from the truck? I have a knee injury.”

“Oh, I don’t need—” Her lips purse, and she stares daggers at me, daring me to finish my sentence. It figures that the first time Maeve looks at me, it’s to shut me up.


“My partner will be here in a minute with some crutches. You need to ice your knee, twenty minutes on and then off. You can take Tylenol for the pain and Ibuprofen for the swelling. Every two hours take one or the other, but not at the same time. Call your doctor on Monday and tell them what happened. You likely need an MRI.”

“You can tell all of this by looking at my knee?”

“It’s my job . . .” she trails off.

I feel as if she’s trying to remember my name, so I blurt out, “Kyler Groff. We went to high school together.”

Again, she ignores me. Maybe, I need to turn on the charm. “Do you make house calls?” I ask jokingly.

“I’m a medic and just doing my job.”

Before I can come back with some witty rebuttal, her partner returns. I expect Maeve to show me how to use the crutches, but she leaves the tent.

“Sup, Ky,” Jeremy Wilcox says as he unwraps the plastic around the metal armpit killers.

“Not much, Jeremy.” I sigh and look out over the festival to see if I can find Maeve. “Not much at all.”3Maeve“Mom, can you take me to the festival today!” Logan shouts from his room.

Groaning, I finish making his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, hoping he doesn’t hear my dismay. Since I worked at the festival yesterday, I was given today off. It wasn’t easy dodging Kyler’s questions and keeping the topic strictly on the subject of his injury. I do not doubt if I go to the festival, I’ll see him again. From what I hear, he’s a big shot banker in our little town. Everyone loves him just like they did in high school. I always thought he’d be a star quarterback in the NFL one day. I don’t know what happened there. What shocks me is that he knows we graduated together. I didn’t think he’d know who I was.

Logan’s footsteps thump down the hallway, and he turns the corner to the kitchen. I hold out the plate with his sandwich on it. “You never answered me,” he says, taking the sandwich off the plate. “Nana says the parade is today. I want to go, but she has an eye appointment. Can you take me?” He clasps his hands together, holding them up in the air with his puppy dog brown eyes staring at me. “Please. It’ll be mommy and Logan time.”

Rolling my eyes, I can’t help but smile. “Yeah, at least until you see your friends.”

He pouts his lips. “Please? I’ll get you another caramel apple. This time I’ll use my allowance money and not yours.”

I don’t want to go, but I’ll do it for him. “Okay, we can go. Let me change clothes first.” I ruffle his hair. “I might even let you play a few of the games.”

He fist pumps the air. “Yes!” Taking a bite of his sandwich, he hurries off to the couch and turns on the TV.

“Don’t you dare watch Cobra Kai without me,” I warn him.

He giggles. “I’m not.”

I hurry off to my room and change out of my yoga pants into a pair of jeans and a thick gray sweater. The wind is brisk, and I know it will be cold by looking out the window. When I was still married to Ethan, we had talked about moving away from Maryland to a warmer state, but it never happened. I can’t imagine living anywhere that doesn’t get cold. I’d miss the snow. It wouldn’t feel right having a warm winter.

Grabbing my cell phone off the dresser, I call my parents. Since they only live three houses away, I know they’re home because their cars are in the driveway.

“Hey,” my father answers.

“Hey. Logan said that Mom has an eye appointment and she can’t take him to the festival. Do you want to go with us?”

“Oh, honey, I can’t. I’m going with your mother. She has to get her eyes dilated, and we both know she drives like crap when both of her eyes are good. Imagine her trying to drive with blurry vision.”

“Seriously, Dan,” my mother scolds him in the background, her voice coming through the phone. “I’m not that bad.”

My father and I both laugh. “Yes, she is,” I say to him. I can hear Mom grumbling at us, but I can’t tell what she’s saying. She loves to threaten my dad when he gives her a hard time. Mostly she says she’ll put mushrooms in his food if he doesn’t leave her alone. I love hearing them banter back and forth. When I was younger, I always thought I’d find someone I could joke around with. Ethan and I did for a while until he was never around for me to talk to. It was only a matter of time before we grew apart. There were days I didn’t even feel like I was married.

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