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My mother appears in the doorway. “Kyler can walk you. It’s dark, and I don’t want you walking by yourself, especially since you’re three sheets to the wind. Logan decided he wants to stay here tonight.”

As if my night can’t get any worse. “Kyler’s knee is hurt, Mom. That’d be inconsiderate of us to ask him to do that.”

Kyler’s smile widens. “I don’t mind at all.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course, you don’t.”

When I get into the living room, my dad and Logan walk through the front door, and Logan rushes over to hug me. “Night, Mom. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You better not watch our show tonight without me.”

He laughs. “I won’t. Poppy and I are going to watch football.”

I kiss his cheek and say goodbye to my parents, hoping I can get a head start on Kyler. With his knee, it’ll take him an hour to walk with me. If I can run home before he gets to the door, I’ll be okay. I walk out onto the front porch, but before I can get to the steps, his voice calls out behind me.

“Were you trying to leave me?”

“Of course not,” I reply sarcastically, turning around to face him. “I was just getting some fresh air.” I turn so quickly it throws me off balance—damn wine. I’m about to fall down the stairs until Kyler rushes over, grabbing me around the waist to steady me. My breaths come out in rapid pants as I hold onto him, my heart beating out of control. I’m never out of control, but yet, I drank too much, and here I am, making a fool out of myself. I push Kyler away and stand up straight. “I’m fine.”

Kyler holds up his hands. “I see that. Although I did just save you from faceplanting on the concrete.” My cheeks burn from embarrassment. I do feel like an idiot.

With a heavy sigh, I slowly take each step one at a time. The cold air feels good against my heated skin. I glance over my shoulder at Kyler to see if he needs help getting down the stairs. Much to my surprise, he marches down them perfectly. No limp or any indication he’s in pain.

I peer down at his knee and then back up to his face. “How did your knee miraculously get better?”

His mischievous grin says it all. “I might’ve exaggerated it a little bit to get your attention. Now at the race, I did hear something pop, but it happens all the time. I never fully got better after hurting my knee in college.”

“Should I be flattered?” I ask blandly.

His smile slightly fades. “Come on, Maeve. I’m trying to be your friend, but you’re making it difficult.”

“You didn’t try in high school. What makes now any different?”

“Are you seriously going to hold that over my head? We graduated almost twenty years ago.”

He has a point. I’m not even the same girl I was twenty years ago. “You’re right,” I say, turning away from him. I start toward my house, and he walks beside me. “I shouldn’t hold it against you. I’m sorry. It’s just high school was miserable for me. I couldn’t wait to get away from here. And now, I’m back.”

“I’m sorry too, Maeve. If I could go back and change how I was, I would. There’s no excuse.” He gently takes my arm and stands in front of me. “And being back here isn’t so bad. You have your family, and your son looks thrilled.”

Honestly, that’s all that matters to me. “I do believe he is,” I agree.

Kyler holds out his hand. “Think we can start over? I’m Kyler. It’s nice to meet you.”

I look at his hand and then back to his face. “Fine.” I shake his hand. “I’m Maeve. It’s nice to meet you too.”

He nods toward my house. “Do you mind if I walk you home?”

“Sure. I am a little on the drunk side. The wine was exceptional, by the way. What made you pick the Chardonnay?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. I thought you might like it.”

I smile. “Good guess.”

His grin widens. “I finally got a smile out of you tonight. This makes me happy.”

Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. “Don’t get used to it. I’m blaming it on the wine.” We make it to my house, and he helps me up the front steps. Instead of going to the door, I walk over to the porch swing. I sit down, but he keeps his distance. I pat the spot beside me. “You can sit if you want. It feels too good out here to go inside.”

He bursts out laughing. “That’s the wine talking.” He sits beside me, and we rock slowly. I close my eyes and listen to the silence. There wasn’t such a thing when I lived in Baltimore. There was always something going on, causing the noise.

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