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Abby doesn’t say anything, but her face lets me know she’s struggling. Because she doesn’t want to offend me, yet the thought of my house freaks her out.

“It’s safe,” I tell her. “Probably one of the safest places around here, actually. I have all sorts of protection laid on it. But if you need to go, then go.” I set the box of books down and walk over to my sister.

“You’re sure you don’t mind?”

“Not at all. I’ll be here for another hour or so. You’ll have the house to yourself.”

Penny fusses even more, desperately trying to get out of Abby’s arms. She sets her down and the kid immediately bursts out in tears. Abby picks her back up, but it does nothing to soothe the child. “Thank you. I’d rather not make Penny cry for the hour it’ll take to drive home. Do I need a key, or do you have one hidden under a doormat or something?”

“My cats will let you in.” I laugh. “I know how weird that sounds, but they will.”

“Your familiars, you mean, right?”

“Right. They won’t bother you. I’ll tell them to keep their distance.”

Abby looks at me for a few seconds, blinking. “Okay. Thanks.” She hugs me the best she can while holding a crying and thrashing baby and hurries out of the store. Kristy and I are crazy busy for the remaining time, saying our thanks and goodbyes to the authors, cleaning up the craft stations set out, and taking down signs.

“Finally,” I sigh, going back to the register and picking up my coffee, which is cold again.

“Good thing we have an order coming in Monday.” Betty looks away from the computer, smiling. “We sold so many books today.”

“Today was awesome.”

“It was. Whoever planned it must be a real genius,” Kristy says, coming up to the counter. She’s doing her best to look smug, but it only makes Betty and me laugh. Kristy is the least smug person on the planet.

“We need to do another one in the fall,” Betty suggests. “A Halloween-themed event would be fun, and it’s something I think you’d like, Callie.”

“Yeah, Halloween is cool, and I bet our customers would like it.” I smile, trying to keep my voice level. Betty’s hinted a few times now that she knows something is up with Kristy and me. I don’t think she’ll ever flat-out ask, and after I used magic to get some creep who assaulted her to confess to the police, she wouldn’t risk exposing our secrets.

“Oh shit,” Kristy mumbles, looking up when the bell over the door chimes. “Go to the back, I’ll handle this.”

“What?” I look up, following her gaze. “The fuck?” My blood instantly boils, and it takes everything I have to keep my powers in check and not cause the lights to dim in the store.

My brother steps inside the bookstore and looks around. Now he’s the definition of smug. Of an asshole. Of a waste of life.

He slowly turns around, and startles slightly when he sees me staring daggers at him.

“What are you doing here?” I snap.

“I’m just here to buy some books. Am I not welcome at this fine establishment?” he retorts.

“You’re not,” Kristy shoots back. “Get out.”

“Easy.” Scott holds up his hands. I’m not sure if he recognizes Kristy, but given how she readily recognized him, Scott has to know she’s a friend of mine. A good friend. “I’m looking for Abby.”

“Abby?” I make a face and shake my head, going around the counter.

“Our sister. She was here, and now I can’t get ahold of her. Her location hasn’t updated in over an hour.”

“You’re tracking her location?” I raise my eyebrows.

“It’s Find My Friends, and the whole family has it for safety reasons. You can never be too careful considering what’s out there. Good thing too, because when I saw Abby was in this little Podunk town, I knew something was up.”

“What’s up was her coming to our children’s book event.”

“You better not be trying to get her involved in your…your life.”

I roll my eyes. “God forbid my sister gets involved with my life.”

“You know what I mean,” he hisses. “And like I’ve told you, if you really cared about her, you’d stay far, far away.”

“She came here of her own free will.”

“Did she?” Scott’s eyes narrow.

“I don’t have time for this. So unless you want to drop to your knees, kiss my feet, and tell me that you’re an undeserving peasant again, get the hell out of my store.”

“Your vampire boyfriend isn’t here to protect you this time.”

“I don’t need him to protect me,” I say slowly, fingers curling into fists. “Now get out.”

“Before what? You curse me? Turn me into a frog?”

“All of the above.” I cross my arms, close to seething with anger. The lights flash, and I squeeze my eyes closed. I let go of the anger, forcing out a deep breath. “Why are you really here, Scott? We both know it wasn’t because you thought I abducted Abby into a secret cult or something.”

“I was worried.”

“Worried I’d hurt Abby or worried she’d side with me?”

“She would never side with you.”

I cock an eyebrow. “She came here, didn’t she?” Letting out a sigh, I shake my head. “Look, I know you think you’re important and a big shot or whatever, but you’re not to me. I have more important things to care about, so just leave. Oh, and Abby is at my house giving Penny a nap. Feel free to stop by and say hi to Binx.”

Scott’s mouth falls open, shocked just as Abby was to learn that my black cat is still alive. But unlike Abby, Scott’s seen Binx shift into shadow form. He denied it then like he still will today, but that look in his eyes at the mention of my familiar’s name is all the proof I need.

“You better watch

yourself,” he sneers, needing to get the last word in before he turns and storms out the door. I let my hands drop to my sides and take a deep breath, trying to calm down.

“Are you okay?” Kristy asks. She’s still at the register, staying close enough to jump in if I needed her but giving me enough space to deal with Scott. Betty left, not wanting to eavesdrop, but I’m sure she’s close, hiding behind an aisle of books. I don’t blame her for being curious. My long-lost sister showed up and then only an hour later my asshole brother did too.

“I am. I really am.” I go around the counter and sit on the edge of one of the stools. “He’ll never be at peace. His hatred for me will never go away, and he’s going to have to live with that forever.”

“Listen to you, sounding all mature and grown up.”

“Let’s not push it,” I say, and we laugh.

“Do you think he’s going to show up at your house?”

I shake my head. “He’s too much of a pussy. Though it would be funny to see him try. He’d never make it past my warding, and all three of my familiars would have too much fun scaring him across the state line.”

“Want to go in case he does try?” Kristy asks.

“No, I don’t need to. I’ll stay and help you guys put the store back together.”

“It pretty much is, and Clark and Vanessa are coming in like half an hour to switch us out. You’re really just leaving a few minutes early.”

“You just want to get rid of me, don’t you?”

Kristy wrinkles her nose. “Busted.”

I laugh. “I knew it.”

“Go,” she urges. “Make sure things are okay at home, and let me know if you need me to whip up a potion that’ll make Scott only speak in rhymes for the next twelve hours.”

I loop my arm through hers and rest my head on her shoulder. “I love you, you know.”

“Hey,” I whisper, stepping into my house. Abby is sitting on the couch, watching TV with the volume on low. Penny is sleeping in her arms. “Glad she fell asleep.”

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