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I smooth out the sheets and comforter on the bed and gather up my stuff, putting it all in my carry-on bag again.

“Dean?” I whisper, stepping into the living room. He’s on the pullout couch and kicked off the blankets in his sleep. He’s only wearing boxers, and while I’ve seen him naked before—and had that gorgeous cock inside me twice—I feel like I’m stealing forbidden glances as I look him over. The air conditioning was running all night, making it a little chilly in here. I pick up a fleece blanket and drape it over Dean before heading out.

I send him a text when I get into the elevator, thanking him for letting me sleep in his room for the night. I left my agenda in my room, and I debate going to get it or just winging it. I’d rather wing it and not miss breakfast. I’m starving.

I have to sign in and get a name badge before I can go get my food, and the smell of bacon is calling to me. The line to sign in is long, and I don’t want to miss any food. Finally, I’m signed in and make a beeline to the breakfast buffet.

“Rory!” JoAnn calls, standing up and waving. Her hair is fluffed to the heavens and her eyeshadow is bluer than the ocean. I’ve just filled my plate and am looking for a place to sit. “I saved you a seat, dear!”

Forcing a smile, I go over and sit between her and another woman who looks like they exchanged makeup tips.

“Where were you this morning?” JoAnn asks. “With a man?” She wiggles her drawn-on eyebrows.

“I actually ran into a friend,” I say and take a bite of bacon. It’s just as good as it smells. “I crashed in his room.”

“His. Ohhhh.”

“We’re friends,” I press. “Though I think he might want more.” I shake my head. “I don’t know.”

“What do you want?” JoAnn nudges my arm.

“I don’t know either,” I say, finding it easy to talk to her. After these few days are up, I’ll never see her again. “He’s very easy on the eyes and is a good guy. But he went through a divorce like a year ago and seems reluctant to commit, and I’m the type of person who loves commitment.” I lift my shoulders up and down in a shrug. “And I also get attached easily. I don’t want to get hurt, that’s what I want.”

“But if he would commit, you’d bed ‘em and wed ‘em?”

I stifle a laugh. “Yeah, I mean, in time, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself.”

“Smart girl,” the woman next to me says. “I believe you’re talking about what my daughter told me is the friend zone, right?”

“Yeah,” I say, not wanting to explain the weird nature of my relationship with Dean. We had hot, raunchy sex within hours of meeting each other, and now I’m refusing to entertain the thought of his lips on mine…even though I really, really want his lips on mine.

Be strong, Rory.

“So, tell me about work! I’ve been with the same podiatrist for twenty years. We separate a lot of webbed toes. You are a nurse, correct?”

“Yes, and I’ve been in general surgery for a few years now,” I tell her, wanting to stop talking so I can snarf down the rest of my food before the first panel begins. “I like it. We, uh, do a lot of appendectomies.”

“RN and cosmetic surgery here,” the other woman says, raising her hand. “We do a lot of breast implants.”

JoAnn has the rest of the table go around and talk about what we do for a living, and I barely get all my food down before it’s time to go. I don’t mind JoAnn so much—while we’re awake. I’d still prefer to sleep in Dean’s room tonight, but this time I’ll take the pullout couch and he can have the bed.

My mind drifts to him throughout the first presentation, and I wonder what he’s doing. Having a day to literally do nothing but soak up the sun would be amazing.

I’m distracted the entire morning, but at least I don’t fall asleep. We break for lunch and are given an hour to get something from the provided buffet or go out and buy from the hotel or one of the nearby restaurants. I check my phone when the presentation is wrapping up and smile when I see a text from Dean, asking if I want him to get me something for lunch.

“Texting your non-boyfriend?” JoAnn loudly whispers, looking over my shoulder.

“Maybe. I’m not sure what he’s doing or where he is right now,” I whisper and tell Dean I’ll be able to grab something here, but thanks. I eat with JoAnn and Brenda again, and this time we sit next to a surgeon who spent last year traveling to third world countries, offering free training. Her stories are so inspiring and make me want to spend a summer in Africa, lending my nursing skills to those who need them.

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