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“We need to talk,” I grit through clenched teeth. “I suggest your friend leaves.” My gaze flicks to the man who’s tentatively watching our exchange.

“I’m sure whatever you have to—”

“I said,” I sneer, giving her the glacial stare she used to give me. “I want to speak to you. Alone.” The last word is spat with venom when I recall just why I’m here. The thought of Haelee being attacked by my mother with her verbal knives has me shaking.

“Horton, I think it’s best I speak with my son alone,” she addresses the man who seems more shocked at me than he was when I walked in. But I don’t give a shit, this is between my mother and me. I don’t need some stranger listening in on our private conversation.

“Of course, darling,” he says, pressing his lips to her forehead before he heads out toward the door. Once I hear the click of the lock, I turn my attention on my mother who doesn’t at all seem perturbed at my icy demeanor.

“I suppose you’ve spoken to the little harlot, and that’s the reason you’re here? To fight for her honor?” Her challenge is obvious. She was waiting for me to come here. She knew I would want to defend Haelee.

“You have no right to talk to her, you have no right to be near her.”

“She’s only going to bring you down, Kayden. I’m looking out for you. Girls like her—”

“Girls like her?” Spinning on my heel, my fist connects with the mirror my mother must have bought recently because I haven’t seen it before. The glass shattering echoes in the vast room. “What about girls like her?” I question as I face the woman I no longer consider my mother.

“Listen to me—”

“No,” I interrupt her. “You listen to me. I will take over my father’s company. You, on the other hand, will leave.” As I speak, I figure out what I’m doing. I didn’t plan this, but as I stare into her eyes, I realize I know just what she wants.


It’s been her end goal since the day she met my father. And now I’ll give that to her, she’ll get all that’s coming to her, and when she does, she won’t be back here.

“I don’t want you in my life. You’re done in this city, and I think you should take what’s yours, and find a new place to call home.”

“You can’t do that to me,” she gasps, her eyes wide in shock. “I’m here to make sure you don’t fuck your life up with some girl who will only be with you for your money.”

“Like you did to dad?” I bite back, causing her mouth to gape in horror. “That’s exactly what you did to my father. And you can’t deny it because it’s clear to me now. I may not have noticed it when I was younger, but I’m all grown up, mother, and I know a gold digger when I see one.”

“You cannot speak to me like that, Kayden.”

I stalk toward her as my anger takes over. “I can tell you exactly like it is because I’m not afraid of you. And if you so much as whisper a word to Haelee again, I will come for you and I will take away all that my father left you.”

It’s not much, a couple of million because she knows the company and the house she’s living in are mine. I moved out because I didn’t want to see her out on her ass, but right now, I no longer care. She can look after herself.

“You have a week,” I tell her before turning on my heel and making my way to the door. “And if you’re not out, I’ll throw you out myself.” When I shut the door behind me, it feels as if it has lifted a weight off my shoulders.

Now it’s time to talk to my lawyer.It’s taken two days for the contracts to be drawn up for the new board members to sign. And it’s taken forty-eight hours for me to go out of my mind because Haelee is still not answering my calls.

But I have a plan in place. Before I fix things with my girl, I need to ensure the board is ready to take on their role with me heading the company. As I step into the offices, I feel eyes on me. Everyone stops what they’re doing as I make my way into the boardroom. A split of six men and six women sit at the long table, with my mother thankfully absent.

She didn’t say goodbye, but when I went back to the house last night, she was gone. Setting the folder on the oak desktop, I don’t sit. I offer a nod before I greet the team.

“Good morning, ladies and gentleman, I’m glad to see you all here.” I allow my gaze to trail to each person before I continue. “This will be the new regime within Mercer Industries, and I trust you’re all on board with me taking up the helm. If not, I will kindly ask you to leave. I’m not sugar coating anything, this will be a straightforward meeting and the way I will run things will be as if my father were still here.”

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