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“Kayden, I need you to leave. Please,” she begs, her plea slamming me right in the chest. “I can’t do this. It was a mistake.”

“No, it wasn’t. Just let me in, and we can talk.”

“We can’t. There’s nothing more to say.” Her voice cracks and the shimmer of emotion in those pretty eyes makes my anger surge. I want to kill my mother for this fucking game she’s playing with my life.

“Haelee, I want you. I can’t lose you.”

“It’s over, Kayden. I can’t do this anymore,” she insists adamantly, but her voice is a husky whisper. “Please, just listen to me. It’s over.” She doesn’t look at me, doesn’t meet my eyes, which means she’s lying. She can’t tell me it’s over while looking at me directly.

“I won’t stop.”

Haelee shakes her head just as a tear escapes and trickles down her cheek. She’s trying so hard to be strong. My mother must have done a number on her.

“My mother was lying. Whatever she told you was all lies. Are you listening to me?”

“It doesn’t matter, Kayden,” she responds but still doesn’t look at me. “It’s done. Okay? Please respect my decision.”

“Fuck, Haelee, I lo—”

“Please, just go.” She pushes the door, but my foot stops it. I don’t barge my way in like I want to. But I need her to look at me. I need her to see the truth in my eyes. This isn’t the time to tell her what I almost did. The pain and heartache I see etched across her expression won’t change if I say those three words, so instead of admitting it now, I come to the conclusion that I need to deal with my mother first.

Haelee needs time.

And I need her.

When she finally looks up at me, I see it dancing in her eyes—the love that I feel for her is looking right back at me. She feels it, too; I knew she did.

“I am not giving up on this,” I proclaim confidently. “Do you hear me, Haelee? This isn’t over. I’m going to sort my mother and this company out, and I’ll give you time. But I will be back. And when I am, I’ll make sure you’re mine.”

I turn and walk away. I don’t hear the door click. She’s watching me; I can feel her gaze burning into my back as I reach my car. When I turn to glance over my shoulder, I see the door sliding closed.

She may have shut me out, but it won’t be for long.

I’m not losing my speedy.

And I’m not losing my company either.21KaydenI’ve been angry at my mother for a long time.

I spent my life seeing her indiscretions, how she treated my father, and I kept quiet. But this is the last straw. He was a grown man who could’ve spoken up for himself. And now, I’m an adult and I’m going to ensure she doesn’t fuck my life up the same way she did his.

With every mile that takes me closer to the house she still lives in, the more my anger takes a hold of me. The injustice of her actions has me livid. Her judgement of Haelee has only made the usual simmering anger I have toward her boil over, and now I’m ready to let loose on her.

I took her sneers all these years, but they had always been directed at me. I grew a thick skin, and they seemed to wash over me. But the thought of her going after Haelee, saying things that aren’t true.

I did the same thing when I first met her, but it’s not who I am. And I recognize it was a mistake. But with my mother, I know she doesn’t feel an ounce of remorse for what she does. I don’t know what happened to her, what made her so cold, so heartless, but ever since I can remember, she’s been like that.

When I finally pull up to the house, a cold, sinking feeling snakes through me, down my spine, twisting in my gut. I walked out of here so long ago and never wanted to return. Yet, here I am.

Reaching the front door, I don’t knock. I don’t need to because when I twist the handle, it gives and I push into the house that’s only bringing back terrible memories for me. Inside, the chill hasn’t left, and if I had to be honest, it’s worse now than it ever was.

I make my way through to the living room and find my mother on the patio. Her embrace with a man I’ve never met before has me fisting my hands. I have to tamp down my anger before I smash everything in this fucking house.

“Kayden,” she says, her smile void of affection as she takes me in. “What are you doing here?” She steps away from her friend and makes her way toward me, but I step back, not wanting her to touch me after she’s been with some asshole in my father’s house.

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