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He grins before asking, “Are you ready to see her?”

“Not a fucking chance,” I shoot back, causing Curtis, who’s riding shotgun, to chuckle. The two men are the only people besides Coop who know me, all of me. They’ve been there since I was a teen, and they put up with my outbursts.

I turn left, steering through the parted heavy gates welcoming the guests onto the property. I pull my Range Rover up to the valet parking set up specifically for the party that’s already in full swing.

“You know she’s going to want to ride that stick,” Curtis digs with amusement lacing his words. The woman in question is an ex who hasn’t given up even though I’ve told her I don’t do relationships. We had an on-off, fuck-buddy situation for about a year before I cut it off completely when she became needy. I don’t deal well with clingy.

“She’s going to have to find another man who’ll put a ring on it,” I inform my friends. We exit the vehicle without saying more about my questionable choice in women. I flick my keys over to the valet, who takes my pride and joy to park it out of the way.

I’m flanked by my boys as we enter the house, which is immaculate. A crystal chandelier hangs in the center of the entrance hall, shimmering gold light on the guests being escorted through the house and out to the back.

An infinity pool, along with sexy women in bikinis and men gawking at tits and ass, surrounds us. It’s the life of a racer, being invited to parties like this, being wanted by women who look like they do. But even though I should be enjoying it, there’s still a heaviness in the pit of my stomach that reminds me I’m not one of those guys. Yeah, I’ve played around, and I’ve enjoyed single nights with hot women, but it never filled the hole that loss left behind.

“Look at that,” Curtis mutters from my left, and I catch his eye line pinned toward the jacuzzi set up close to the edge of the hill. But it’s not where it’s situated that catches my attention. It’s the beauty currently sliding into the bubbly water.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Light brown, almost-golden curls hang to the center of her back. Skin, the color of caramel, is highlighted by her bikini, which should be fucking illegal. Her body is curved in all the right places, with hips I’d happily hold onto. The curve of her ass is barely covered by bright pink material and my cock jolts at the sight.

“Mine.” The word is out of my mouth before I have time to rethink it. We’ve always been good about not crossing each other’s territory. If we see a girl we like, we stake our claim has been the way we always work. The other two have to back off.

“You’re a fucker,” Curtis grumbles but slaps me on the shoulder. “She’s going to be one hell of a ride,” he tells me. “If you can get in there.”

“You doubting me, man?” Glancing over my shoulder at him, I arch my brow in question, waiting for him to give me shit.

“Two hundred says she shoots you down.” This comes from my right where Pax is grinning like a fool. Assholes. Both of them.

“I don’t know why I have friends like you,” I snark.

“Because with friends like us, you don’t need enemies. Also, we keep you on your toes. But that over there” — Curtis juts his chin toward the hot tub — “that’s way outta your league.” He laughs out loud when I shove him away. Dickheads. Shaking my head, I make my way over to the portable bar set up near the side of the house and order a beer. With the bottle in hand, I turn, hoping to make my way over to the gorgeous girl in her bright pink bikini when I’m stopped dead in my tracks.

“Sadie,” I greet her before she has time to say anything. She’s dressed in a barely there white bikini, which leaves very little to the imagination. Her long, blonde hair is sleek down to her ass, and her makeup is, as always, perfect. But she holds no attraction for me anymore.

“I didn’t think you’d make it,” she tells me in an offhand tone, but I can see her eyes drinking me in like a long, cool glass of something strong.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

She shrugs one shoulder. Her tits don’t bounce with the motion because they’re fake, just like her lips, her nose, and the rest of her. A few years ago, she was a famous lingerie model, but Sadie Jackson took her earnings and splurged it on every treatment known to man. Once naturally beautiful, she’s now in the porn business, where she uses her assets to ensure big paychecks that most probably end up being injected into every part of her body.

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