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By the time I reach Colton’s office again, almost two hours have passed. When I stop to say goodbye, he looks up at me, standing on the threshold. His gaze holds questions, but he doesn’t ask them.

“Thank you for today,” I tell him. My voice sounds sad as if I’ve finally given up. I haven’t, at least that’s what I tell myself, but right now, all I can think about is lying in a bubble bath and not thinking about the man with the endless teal eyes.

But I know it’s a lie because nothing can remove Kayden Mercer from my mind.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Colton sounds hopeful. Perhaps he realizes putting me with his newest driver was a mistake, or maybe he put us together for another reason he hasn’t yet told us about.

“Yes. Goodnight,” I say before heading out to my car. In the driver’s seat, I suddenly burst into tears. It’s stupid. I can’t explain it. As if I need more heartache in my life, the thought of Kayden not liking me hurts me so much more than I thought it would.

So much more than I thought I could handle.

And that’s when I realize I’m utterly and truly fucked.6KaydenI need to get out tonight. I pull on the black leather jacket and look at myself in the mirror. Grabbing my wallet and phone, I head out the door, shutting it behind me before stepping into the elevator, which takes me down to the garage.

After my afternoon with the sexy little speedster, I decide I need some time out. Drinks and women. That’s what I know will get me in the right frame of mind to forget about Haelee. Even her fucking name sends heat down my spine.

When I told Curtis I found the girl with the pink bikini, he didn’t believe me. I had to explain how and where, and then he finally realized I wasn’t fucking joking. It took my patience, but now that he knows how I feel about her, how she affects me, the fucker won’t let me forget it.

I’m in the car on the road, but my mind replays the track, replays every moment with her. The scent of her perfume—cinnamon and spice—and the flavor of her anger. I tasted it, and I want more. When I leaned over her, when I took her in, I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk away from this.

Training her may have been my punishment from Colton, but he doesn’t know just what he’s done. My fixation on the beauty is turning in my mind as I pull up to the club I know will be filled with easy, yet sexy women.

It doesn’t take me long to scope out my friends, Pax and Curtis, seated in the VIP section. The deep blue and purple strobe lights highlight women in white dresses, making me want to keep my eyes peeled, drinking them in, but each one I pass is yet another copy of the one before.

None of them stand out. Even with their clothes illuminated, they’re nothing compared to Haelee. And that pisses me off even more. I reach my friends as the server brings them two beers, and I order one for myself.

“You look like shit,” Pax remarks, chuckling when I pin him with a glare so fierce if he weren’t used to my attitude, he’d have been shrinking away.

“He’s right. What the fuck crawled up your ass and died?”

“Fuck you both,” I bite out, taking in the crowd, even though I know nobody here will capture my attention. Perhaps I should just focus on shots of tequila with beer chasers and keep them coming.

When my drink arrives, I pick up the glass and swallow down a mouthful. The burst of bubbles trickles its way down my throat, but I know this won’t satiate me for long. I’ll need something stronger, something that will take the memory of her away.

“Want me to call over a few beauties?” Curtis asks, but as much as I know I should say yes, I can’t bring myself to do it. One catches my eye, giving me a sly wave, which would usually work, and I wonder if I should just give it a try.

“The one in the short white skirt that looks like her ass is peeking out,” I respond, not looking at my friend because I know if I don’t end up taking her home, he will.

Curtis is on his feet and on the dance floor before I have time to change my mind. But it’s Pax who leans in and asks, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Do what?” I turn my attention to him, swigging my beer as I take him in.

He shrugs. “Random chicks. From what you told us, you seem to like this little racer chick,” he remarks. He was with Curtis when I called them after getting home from the track.

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