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“Thank you so much for being here with us. We’ll bring him by soon.”

They nod and head to the guest room to pack up their things. I hear them stop by Finley’s room to tell her goodbye, before joining me once again in the living room for a hug. “Tell Seth, thank you. You kids have fun with your friends.”

“Be safe. Call me or text if you can when you get home so I know you got there okay.”

“Oh, we’ll call. I can’t seem to see those little letters,” Harold grumps.

I smile, saying, “Thank you.” With that, they’re out the door. I send Seth a quick text letting him know that they left. He stepped out to grab a few things for tonight. Everyone will be here at seven to hang out. We want the kids to play together and grow up in a tight-knit group just like their daddies. With Ryder being the youngest of the brood, and with Ethel and Harold stopping by, we’re hosting this year. I have a special surprise for everyone. Amelia started everyone a family scrapbook. Inside on the first page is a picture of her with their families. It’s her way of keeping us girls going with the scrapbook nights. I love it, and I know that Kendall, Dawn, and Reagan will too.

Glancing at the clock, I see it’s just before five. I put on a princess movie and grab a sippy cup of milk before making Ryder a bottle. With any luck, Finley will take a quick nap before her friends get here. It’s late in the evening, but it’s been a long day and she skipped her nap earlier. “Finley!” I call for her. I hear the pitter-patter of her little feet racing down the hall. “How about some milk while Mommy feeds Ryder?”

“Okay, Momma.” She happily accepts the sippy cup and curls up next to me on the couch.

That’s how Seth finds us half an hour later. Both kids passed out from today’s excitement. “Let me take her to her room,” he whispers, lifting Finley in his arms.

“Wuv you, Daddy,” our daughter says sleepily.

“I love you too, Finny.”

I trail along behind them, placing Ryder in his crib before we meet in the hall. “Come here, wife.” Seth pulls me into a scorching kiss that I feel all the way to my toes. “Let’s go take a nap while they do.”

“Is Kent rubbing off on you?” I tease.

“That’s not the kind of nap I meant, but we can make that happen.” He smirks.

“Not happening. I’m exhausted, so this time we’re really napping too.”

“I figured.” He chuckles and follows me into our room. Within minutes, we’re curled up under the covers, in each other’s arms as we drift off to sleep.



* * *

Standing in the corner of my living room, I watch as my wife, and the other wives laugh and cry over the gifts from Amelia. I’ll admit I got choked up myself, and if the throats that were clearing and the beers that were being tilted back are any indication, my brothers were just as affected.

Speaking of brothers, they’re all headed toward me. “What’s up?” I ask them.

“Just getting to the corner where there seem to be fewer tears,” Tyler says, looking over his shoulder. “I hate when she gets upset like this. It’s not good for her or the baby.”

“It’s okay,” I assure him. If I know anything, it’s that just because a woman is pregnant, it doesn’t mean she’s fragile.

“I know, I just can’t help but worry about both of them.”

“I can’t blame you after what the two of you have been through, but they’re a few sad tears over missing a friend. She’s going to be fine,” Mark assures him.

“So, I have some news,” Ridge says. The girls squeal and he grins. “Looks like I’m not the only one letting the cat out of the bag. Kendall’s pregnant. We’re having another baby.”

“Congratulations.” I shake his hand, as do Mark, Kent, and Tyler.

“Thanks. We’re excited.”

“Damn, I need to get moving,” Mark says. “Daisy is not going to be an only child,” he says with certainty. He’s looking at his wife, and I’m thinking we’re going to have another baby announcement pretty damn soon if he has anything to say about it.

“So,” Kent says, laughing under his breath. “Where’s the next job?”

“The Nottingham Estate.”

Kent coughs, choking on his beer. “Say again?”

“The Nottingham Estate. I got a call from the family attorney. Seems old man Nottingham passed away and the family wants to fix it up to put it on the market.”

Kent nods but doesn’t say anything else.

“Ridge,” Kendall calls out, and he doesn’t spare us a glance as he goes to his wife.

“Dawn,” Mark calls out, and Tyler and I laugh as he stalks toward her.

“He’s on a mission.” I laugh.

“What about you? You want more?” Tyler asks.

“Yep. As soon as my wife says it’s a go. Ryder is only three months. She doesn’t want them too close together.”

“I get that. Beckett, Benjamin, no!” Tyler calls out as he rushes toward the twins who are trying to pull ornaments off the tree.

“You good?” I ask Kent.



“This is another one of those ‘don’t want to talk about it’ moments.”

“Fine, but one day you’re going to want to, and I’m your guy,” I tell him.

“Pussy,” he says with a cough.

“I’ll own that.” I laugh. “After the year I’ve had, I know that it helps not only to talk but to know there are people willing to listen.”

“Sorry, man.” He winces.

“Not necessary. I just want you to know we’re brothers and I’ve got your back. We all do.”

“I know. Maybe one day. I just need to… work it out in my head.”

“Uncle Kent, come play with me!” Knox yells. He rushes away to get a break from the heavy, and I get it. He’s all twisted up inside, but he’ll get there, and when he does, we’ll be there for him because that’s what we do.

Life has thrown me some curveballs, and there have been times when the unexpected changes have literally knocked me on my ass. I had to learn to live one breath, one second, one minute, one hour, one day at a time. I’ve learned that the best things in life are truly unexpected. I’ve embraced it and learned to live with the unexpected bond.

Thank you
