Page 33 of Rim Job

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Page 33 of Rim Job

Evelyn cuts her eyes at me.

Oh, if looks could kill.

She scowls. “I am about to throw someone off this jet.”

“Glory, get that sweet ass over here, babe. I rented out a private island so the world can't cock-block us.”

Glory's face turns beet red, and her eyes bulge out of her head, not realizing we all see a naked Beck swagger into the background behind her.

“Gotta go-love you-bye.” Glory barely rushes the words out as she closes the laptop.

“Did, did you all see that. . .that. . .unicorn cock?” Jen asks quietly as we all sit, slack jawed and stunned at what we just witnessed.

Evelyn manages to find some words. “They saw that fucking mammoth dick in space. No wonder she married him. Good job, Glory. Do we know what Beck’s brother is packing? What was his name? I need to get my social media stalk on.”

We all crack up laughing.

“No really. What's his name? I'm looking him up.” Evelyn pulls her phone out in anticipation of our response.

“What about that other guy you're cyber-stalking, the football player? Won’t he be jealous?” I jokingly ask as Evelyn's fingers fly across the screen.

“My husband?” Evelyn’s eyes never leave the screen. She cyber-stalks one of the hottest pro football players in the league, Atticus Dixon, and leaves him all sorts of crazy, inappropriate comments on his social media posts. It’s quite funny and possibly just shy of illegal. He has yet to respond to her comments, though. “Atticus would never be mad at me. He loves me. Speaking of, let me just see what my mans is up to right now.”

“Atticus Dixon?”

We all look up to find Rim casually leaning a hip against the bar. My heart rate spikes, and bastard butterflies perform aerial acrobatics in my stomach. Rim is still stupid hot even after a few hours into our flight. His rumpled shirt and pants make him more human, less perfect, but even hotter, if that's possible.

“Yeah, he loves me. He just doesn't know it yet.” Evelyn looks back at her phone, giggling to herself as she types. No doubt she's leaving yet another sexually-charged innuendo on one of Atticus Dixon’s posts.

“You know, I could introduce you. He works for me.”

Evelyn looks up, temporarily frozen in place, eyes wide.

Oh crap. Here comes the freak out.

She bolts up from her seat and jumps up and down, arms flailing, chanting something high pitched, fast, and unintelligible in a mixture of Spanish and English.

Rim laughs at her enthusiasm, the deep rumble swirling around me, wrapping me in its casual warmth. I watch him closely, like he's my favorite movie come to life. The subtle creases that bracket his smile call out for me to explore them.

“We will be landing in just a bit, ladies,” Rim announces before fixing his gaze on me.

Jen stands. “I'm going to go get freshened up. I want to look hot when we land. You know, in case I find my own prince or something.” Jen shoots me a wink, snags Evelyn’s hand, and drags her as she continues to chatter about Atticus while bounce-walking to their room.

Rim smiles slightly, eyes twinkling. “If you need to freshen up, please, go ahead. I'll change after you finish.”

“Oh, okay. Thank you. I'll let you know when I'm done.”

“Take your time, my love.”

I gather my things, a small smile playing on my lips at his term of endearment, and head toward the bedroom. As I pass Rim in the confined space by the corner of the bar and the hall, he looks down on me. His beautiful eyes sparkle with hidden mischief.

“Need me to wash your back, wife?” he asks as his arm snakes out around my waist, and he pulls me into his muscled form.

Warmth spreads over my cheeks and other areas down lower. I try to keep my composure, but this close, he doesn't make it easy. I close my eyes and inhale what I hope is an unnoticeable sniff of his clean laundry, manly scent. A finger strokes my bottom lip, and if that wasn't enough to make me want to ride the train to O-town, he speaks.

“If only you knew the wicked thoughts I have of you and this mouth, wife.”

His voice is low and husky, the wordwifean almost growl. It’s so damn sexy and full of promise, it’s making me hot instead of mad for some reason.

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