Page 32 of Rim Job

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Page 32 of Rim Job

He shrugs. “I wasn’t with Blu, not initially. I was fucked up about him killing innocent people. Then his beast shifted its focus when I asked him to, killing only people that deserved to die. Leo is moving in that direction too, since there are so many people that would serve that purpose. Ask him. He’ll do it for you.”

A heavy chuckle drifts past my lips. “I’m supposed to just what? Forget he’s a killer?”

June shakes his head. “No. But Leo is a good guy. He’s been there for me for years. He’s been a good friend. This is a part of who he is but not all of who he is. You like him, right?”

I’m nodding before I can come up with a lie. “He’s perfect. But?—”

“Don’t think about that right now. We both know what he does. We’re talking about who Leo is. You’ve been having a great time with him, right? You’ve liked getting to know him?”

Again, I nod. June grins again. “Like I said, Blu is like Leo, and I’ll admit I was afraid of him. But he saved my life. He also helped me get through that trauma. He’s been the best boyfriend I’ve ever had.”

Am I insane for wanting to see what happens between me and Leo? He told me he’s a psychopath and a killer with no lies and no excuses. Even with the knowledge that I could tell the police, he bared it all to me.

He hasn’t tried to hurt me. It would have been smarter for him to kill me and be done with it, but he brought me here to try to explain. It might not sound like a lot, but he changed my bloodied clothes so I wouldn’t be uncomfortable when I woke up.

I think about him telling me he mostly kills those that deserve to die, but the people they wronged can’t do it themselves. I know what that’s like, wanting someone dead but not having the power or ability to do it myself.

When I was seventeen, my best friend Juliette was raped by her tutor. Even with evidence and a confession, he was only sentenced to three months in prison. Afraid of what he would do when he was released and from the pain of such a light sentence, Juliette ended her life.

After her death, I wished with everything I had in me that I was strong enough to kill her rapist. Just put a gun to his head and pull the trigger to end him. But I couldn’t. I was afraid. I wasn’t strong enough.

Is that what Leo does? He said mostly, so does he kill completely innocent people too? As a hitman, I’m sure he does. He takes money to kill people—they don’t all have to be guilty of a crime. That’s how hitmen work. I think.

God, this is so much to take in. But there’s no denying that even with my terror at what I saw, I still have feelings for Leo.

I am a fool.

Snapping back to the conversation, I ask June, “How do I get past it? How did you?”

“Blu killed the man that was going to kill me,” June says quietly. My eyes bulge at that bit of information. “So that went a long way in me seeing him in a different light. But I didn’t know Blu before that happened. He burst into my life like a deranged superhero. You know Leo. You’ve been on a date with him, and you’ve had many conversations with him. What does your gut tell you?”

My gut tells me that Leo might be the one. Not even because he deals with my rambling, but he’s been patient and kind to me, putting me more at ease than anyone I’ve ever met. Leo makes my soul feel good. It also makes me happy that he’s talked to his best friend about me. That means he likes me too, right?

Does that mean I want to date a serial killer? Sounds like the makings of a dark romance novel.

June sees the resolve in my eyes. He chuckles and pushes the blue stripe dyed in his curly hair off his forehead. “Tell Leo to call me later. Oh, we moved your car last night, so you don’t have to worry about someone stealing it.” I’m sure he thinks that’s helpful information, but it deflates me. There goes that plan, in case things go south with Leo.

“Thank you,” I mutter.

June nods and hangs up. I’m left sitting against the headboard by myself, contemplating my next move.



While Ty is on the phone with June, I slide on a shirt and go sit outside, breathing in the fresh air. This place is idyllic with its quiet and seclusion.

I acquired this safe house two years ago, just in case something happened and I had to evade authorities. If this hideout doesn’t keep them off my ass, I have a hidden tunnel where I can get away and passports and identification with different names and countries of origin on them. With some contacts and a good dye job, I can blend in with the crowd, and no one would know who I am.

It was a gamble, telling Ty who I am and what I do. I’m hoping it’ll pay off.

If anyone can help plead my case, it’s June. He’s a ray of sunshine, the bright light for Blu and me. Even though he’s helped with our kills, June is still pure. Maybe he can get another pure soul like Ty to take a chance on someone like me.

I’ve never worried about keeping someone in my life, but I can’t let Ty go. Even if I have to hold him hostage here in my secluded cabin, he can’t leave.

As I’m thinking of ways I could possibly get him to stay without resorting to kidnapping, the front door opens, and Ty steps out, appearing nervous but gorgeous. I’ll never get enough of looking at him, especially in my oversized T-shirt. It hangs from his body, but he makes it look unbelievably sexy. With a shaky hand, he passes me my phone.

He lowers himself into the rocking chair on the other side of the door, bringing his knees to his chest. He rests his head on his knees and pegs me with that blue-and-brown stare of his. For many long moments, he doesn’t say anything, and I don’t push. Whatever he’s thinking, he has to work through on his own. If I try to give him that little extra nudge, he could scurry away, closing himself off to me.

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