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Next time.

It must happen.

We have to happen without our masks. I can’t continue like this, but something tells me Ensley enjoys it. Sure, there’s a thrill to it, not knowing who you’re with, but I’m really hoping she’s only like this with me. I don’t want to think about perfect Ensley screwing half of the guys in the city who are wearing masks. The thought makes me shudder.

The more I think about the whole mask thing, the more creeped out I am at myself for allowing it to happen a second time. I wanted to tell Ensley who I was or am, and I should’ve but one look at her, dressed up as Daisy to my Gatsby, and I was a fumbling fool. But I wasn’t going to deny her. Ensley wanted to keep our masks on. Believe me, I had the temptation to slip mine off as soon as I entered her. I wanted her to know it wasn’t Jay Gatsby making her feel this way. It was Owen Jameson.

Finally, the clock reads nine. I rush to my desk and sit. Only, the force I landed in my chair causes me to roll away from my desk. To make matters worse, I try to stop myself and take half the papers and file with me.

“Fuck,” I mutter as I look at the floor and the mess I created. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

You’re in love.

I look over my right shoulder and then my left, wondering where that sentiment came from. I’m not the guy who believes in an angel and the devil battling it out when it comes to my decisions, but I swear there’s a voice in my head telling me how I feel.

The papers stay on the floor. I’ll get my assistant to sort through them for me later. And I’ll likely blame the wind or something. She doesn’t need to know how excited I was to make a phone call this morning.

I inhale deeply, close my eyes, and let the air out of my lungs slowly. I’m centered even though my heart is beating rapidly, and my mind is conjuring up pictures of Ensley sprawled out on the bed. Naked, of course, except for her mask. At least, I know what she looks like. I pick up the receiver and dial her number, which I’ve memorized.

Ensley answers on the second ring. “This is Ensley.”

“Good morning, Ensley.”

“Hello, Owen,” she says before I can tell her it’s me. My heart jumps, and it pounds a bit harder, and my palms sweat. Really? What am I, a teenager?

“I’m calling to see how you thought the party went?”

Ensley clears her throat. “Jordan and I think the party was a smash. You already know you sold out of tickets. The DJ gave the ball a five-star rating on his site. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Catering said there weren’t any issues. Are you and Damien satisfied?”

You have no idea.

“We are,” I tell her. “We haven’t spoken to our employees, but after our meeting this morning, we can let you know if there were any issues.”

“Oh yes, please. Jordan and I always want to know the good and bad. It’s how we improve with the events we plan. Speaking of, I’m assuming you’re calling about the charity dinner?”

“I am. I thought we could get together for dinner and hammer out the details?”

There’s a long pause before Ensley makes any sort of noise on the other end. “Sorry, I was just looking at the boat skimming across the lake.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were on vacation. We can chat via email if that’s better?”

Ensley laughs. It’s one of the best sounds she makes when we're not in bed together. “I’m not on vacation. I live on the lake. Would you like to come here tonight?”

“Yes,” I blurt out with a squeak. I clear my throat and push down the embarrassment creeping in. “Yes,” I say, a bit more manly this time. “What can I bring?”

“Wine. I have everything else.”

“Swim trunks?” I ask teasingly.

“Sure, we can sit in the hot tub.”

My mouth doesn’t have a response to her statement, but my cock does. He definitely wants to sit in something hot and wet. “Wow, hot tub and lake. You’re living the life, Ensley.”

She sighs. “I’ll email directions. See you around six? We can discuss the charity event over dinner.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” We hang up, and I lean back in my chair. Tonight, I will come clean with her and end this charade once and for all.

Famous last words.The drive out to Ensley’s was exactly what I needed but didn’t know it until I was off the highway and driving the back roads. For being October, the air temperature is perfect. I rolled the windows down, turned on my favorite playlist, and cruised to her place without a single worry. Her home is far enough away from the city to be out of town, but not so far you feel like you can’t get back to town easily.

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