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As soon as she’s in my office, I slam the door behind me, grabbing my rag out of my back pocket trying to get the excess grease off my hands before I make my way to the bathroom attached to the office to clean them. No way am I not getting my hands on Rowen. Once I finish, I walk towards her, backing her up until her ass is planted on my desk, and I wedge my hips between her spread thighs.

“Braxton,” she breathes out, her hands landing on my hips to steady herself. I back away, but only for a second. I unbutton my coveralls, not wanting to mess her clothes up, at least not yet, pulling my arms out of them before tying the long sleeves around my waist. I always wear a tank top and gym shorts under these. I know some guys wear a full uniform, but there is no way I’m going to wear two layers of clothing while working on a car even on a fall day. That shit is for the birds.

“I like my name on your lips, siren.” I lick my own, letting her know exactly what she does to me.

“Wait, we need to talk.” Rowen’s hands press against my firm stomach. I use my hips to slide her legs further apart.

“Not really the words I want to hear when I haven’t had my hands on you in three years.”

“Too fucking bad. You did this. You’ll be the one to fix it.” I admire the way she’s standing her ground even if it’s against me.

“I will.” My hands fist in her long hair, causing Rowen to arch her neck so she can look into my eyes when I say these next few words. “I’m going to make this right. It’ll be hard, Rowen. We have every factor playing against us, starting with your brother and your age.” She starts to interrupt me, but I stop her. “Hush, I let your age get between us because I wanted you to go out and live a little. I knew the minute you were back in my arms, that was it. I was going to keep you, and nothing would come between us. That’s not the factor I’m worried about. You know as well as I do that your brother is going to lose his fucking mind. Rightfully so, siren. He saw the way I was looking at you when you were too young. We’re lucky he didn’t find us that night you gave me one of the sweetest gifts possible.” I slide my hand up her inner thigh until it drags her skirt up, wanting to see how wet she is for me. Rowen spreads her legs further. My thumb glides to the edge of her panties, and I find her clit.

“God, Braxton, I can’t think when your hands are on me,” she purrs out, her lips begging for mine.

“Good, then you’ll understand why I want this to be between the two of us for a while. I want us to have time before your family and my own insert themselves into our world.” I move my thumb to her pussy, gathering up her wetness before bringing it back to her clit. I want her to fall apart for me just so I can put her back together.

“Shit.” Her hips move, rotating the opposite way of what my thumb is doing to her. It makes me want to see exactly what she’s doing.

“Lift your skirt for me, Rowen. Show me what I’m doing to your sweet pussy.” I watch as she gathers it in one hand while her other hand is braced behind her, and that’s when I see it.

“Rowen Mae Jennings, you never cease to fucking amaze me. I’m not sure if I should get on my knees and worship you or turn you on your stomach and smack your ass.” I’m already wrenching her panties down her legs, wanting to see what she did for me. No, fuck that, for us.

“Worship sounds good to me,” she smarts back before she falls to her back.

“Yeah, that definitely will be happening too.” I can’t believe what my eyes are seeing. I can’t even describe what she did is doing to me. Thank fuck, my girl had the balls to come to me today. If she hadn’t, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. I’d be the miserable fuck I have been for the past three damn years.ThreeRowenThat first year away at college, I was miserable. A new place, new people, and I’m not that person to venture out and make new friends. So, when Berkley came up the following year and we moved into our place, it was her suggestion to go get tattoos. I already knew what I wanted. The necklace I wear every single day since the day Braxton left it for me has been around my neck. I was game. I showed the tattoo artist the charm, she sketched it out, and it couldn’t be any more perfect. The hardest part was getting the design area just right. I didn’t want anyone but myself and Braxton to see it, not even if I were wearing a bathing suit.

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