Page 50 of Keeping Kama

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Page 50 of Keeping Kama

Bane laughed as his hand found Leia’s. He tugged her closer to his body. “You are as beautiful as always.” He hugged her.

Leia hugged him back then broke their embrace. Thoughts of Derek drifted away. Maybe tonight wasn’t going to be so bad after all? Pulling the door closed behind her, Leia replied, “But not beautiful enough to keep you from fleeing to Idaho.”

Wagging a finger at her, Bane replied, “I can see you’re as sassy as always.”

Her chin jutted. Leia said, “I’m notsassy.”

“Yeah, you are.” Bane shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “But I always liked that part of you, and still do.”

Rolling her eyes, Leia waved her hand. “Come on. Let’s go get this dinner over with. From the way my mom phrased it, she had to arm wrestle you to attend.”

They walked down the path weaving from her apartment to her parents’ house. For a few moments, they walked in silence. Leia made sure to leave plenty of space between them to keep their arms from grazing each other. Her parents’ house came into view.

“For the record—” Bane glanced from her parents’ house to her. “I should’ve never moved to Idaho.”

“It was like fifteen years ago,” said Leia dismissively. “I’m completely over it. But why are you back? Did you not like living in Idaho?”

Bane pulled his hands out of his pockets, glancing down at his feet. “I didn’t like it, and the snow was awful.” He peeled his gaze from his feet to her, boldly meeting her eyes. “I should’ve never left Hawaii. I’ve missed this place every day since I’ve been gone. I’ve missed you, Leia.”

The rhythmic crashing of the waves on the shore filled the silence. Fiddling with her hair, Leia stammered, “I— I—” as she tried to think of a good response.

“Leia! Bane!” Teresa yelled. Leaning over the railing of the lanai, Teresa craned her neck toward them. Spotting them, Teresa waved them over. “Come on. The food’s getting cold.”

Bane motioned for Leia to go first. Leia brushed past him, moving toward the stairs leading up to the front lanai. The outside world dimmed, and only the thundering of her temples let her know this wasn’t a dream. This was happening, and she had no clue what any of it meant.


The call ended. Derek shoved the phone into his pocket. Stomping into his bedroom, he swung open his closet and ripped three shirts off their hangers and tossed them onto his bed. If he was smart, he’d jump on a plane and head back to Oahu tonight instead of his scheduled flight to Boston. Boston, which would make the time difference with Leia an entire six hours. The gap between them was growing wider by the day.

His pocket buzzed. Without thinking, he clicked accept and answered, “What?” he half-yelled.

“Geez, Derek,” answered Tyson. “You sound ready to bite my head off—which seems to have become the norm these days.”

Running his free hand down the length of his face, Derek took a deep, settling breath. “I’m sorry.” His shoulders dropped, loosening the pinch between his shoulder blades. “Any particular reason you’re calling?” Derek reached back into his closet and pulled two button-up shirts off their hangers, throwing them on the bed too. “I’m packing.”

“Is that what’s causing you to be cranky? A little packing?” countered Tyson.

“I’m sick of traveling every week,” muttered Derek.

“Since when? You’re the one who has always volunteered to go, even when I’ve offered to go in your place,” said Tyson.

On his knees, Derek peered under his bed and patted around until his fingers hooked onto his rolling carry-on suitcase. He placed it on his bed. “I’ve changed my mind. I have no life outside of work, making every one of my relationships doomed from the beginning. Heather and I are a perfect example of this.” He unzipped his suitcase with his free hand.

“You told me you’re over Heather,” replied Tyson.

“I am.” Derek placed his phone in the crook of his neck, picking up his shirt to fold it neatly. “This isn’t specifically about Heather. It’s the fact I have zero chance of being with anyone real if I don’t slow down for a bit, stay off the road, and finally set down some roots.”

“I thought you bought your house last year. Isn’t that some roots?” asked Tyson.

Sighing, Derek picked up his button-down, folding it and placing it inside of his suitcase. “It’s a start, but I know it’s not enough.” He picked up his next shirt and folded it. “After this trip to Boston, I want you to fly to the next place. We’re going to have to start trading off the travel or I don’t see this arrangement working for me anymore.” His shoulders drooped, and Derek sat down on the edge of his bed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Umm, let’s back up a second. We have no investment company without you. I’ve been working with you since we graduated from college. We’ll figure something out. I’ll travel more or we can hire another person. If we need to so you can take on more remote work.” Tyson paused, “You’re my best friend, and I want you to be happy.”

“I wish I knew what would make me happy,” replied Derek. “But it isn’t this. I’m miserable.”

Derek tried to remember the last time he felt happy.

It was back in Hawaii with Leia.