Page 14 of Make Her Stay

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Mick shuffles reluctantly out of the cell.

Pantalini claps me on the shoulder. “There’s no pussy worth a shit like this kid.”

The words are barely out of the dumb fuck's mouth when Mick spins and charges. I swing Pantalini out of the way with my right arm and block Mick with my left.

“Fuck you, you motherfucking pig,” Mick shouts. He pushes at my arm. He’s young and hasn’t bulked out to his true size yet, but rage propels him forward. “I’m gonna kill you, you piece of shit!”

“Watch your mouth, boy.”

I send a warning glare in Pantalini’s direction, and he backs down immediately. His gun and badge are the only things that give him courage, and while he has both at his disposal, it's a toss-up whether he'd get either out before Mick tore his face off.

“You’re a piece of shit, too,” Mick snarls at me. He wraps both hands around my wrist and tries to escape me.

Unfortunately for him, I’m a stone heavier and a decade more experienced. “If you had some decent training, you’d be free of me.”

His snarl turns dark. “I’ll be free of you now.” His knee comes up, and if my reflexes were a half second slower, I’d be on the floor with my family jewels somewhere near my throat. I block him and spin him around until his back is to my chest and his arm is twisted behind him.

Two officers appear around the corner. I shove Mick toward the exit.

“Is there a problem?” the older one asks. His companion’s blue uniform is so new, there’s still fold lines in the cotton.

Pantalini pipes up. “Yeah, this?—“

“Mick was just ready to check out,” I interrupt. “Thanks.”

I shove the boy in the direction of the exit. For a moment, he digs his heels in. I move my hand to his neck and squeeze. “If you lay a finger on one of those officers, your sister will have to sell a kidney to get you out, so go get your shit or I’m leaving you in here until your dick withers from old age."

I toss him forward. He stumbles, catches himself, and sends me a glare dark enough to kill me twice over before walking out. I wait until the troupe disappears around the corner before shoving the piece of shit officer into the corner of the room and pressing my forearm to his windpipe.

“Not good,boy.” I calmly watch as Pantalini’s face turns red from lack of oxygen. When the shade of his face grows from red to blue, I ease up. No point in killing the guy even though we’re currently in the camera’s blind spot. “The only reason I’m not squeezing the life out of you is because you helped me process his discharge, but you don’t ever talk about his sister with that kind of disrespect.”

I release him and leave, not waiting for his acknowledgment. He either gets with the program or the next off-day, he’ll be calling for an ambulance.

Behind me, I hear him coughing and muttering under his breath. Pantalini’s too much of a coward to curse loudly enough for me to hear him, which means he’ll wait until I’m out of earshot to spew his rancid thoughts about Lauren. If they get back to me, though, it’s not going to be pretty.

Mick’s not in the lobby. Fuck. He’s probably taken off.

“He’s just outside,” the young cop says. “His phone isn’t charged, and he didn’t have any cash in his pocket.”

The dark cloud lifts.

“Thanks. If he causes any more trouble, give me a call. It saves on the paperwork.” I flip a card in his direction. Evers had them made for me years ago when he opened the Academy. I’ve passed out more of them in the past few days than I have in the entire five years that school’s been open.

Sure enough, Mick is leaning against a bus stop sign. I stroll over, stopping about five feet away. I reach into my pocket and pull out a MetroCard. “You need bus fare or do you want a ride?”

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’m a friend of your sister’s. I said I’d help her out.”

“You’re lying. She wouldn’t accept your help.” Kid’s rightfully suspicious.

“I know, but I’m helping her anyway.” I squint as the late afternoon sun bounces off a cop’s window shield. I reach into my pocket for my sunglasses.

“The only reason you’re here is because you want in my sister’s pants.”

“Yeah.” I slide the glasses on.

“You admit it?” he yells.

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