Page 12 of Make Her Stay

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Inside the car, Lauren looks like she wants the floor to open up and drop her to the basement. I'm embarrassing her.

Good job, Harris.

I let the door go. "No. Sorry about that."

The door slides shut, and the car takes off and with it all my progress with Lauren. No, that's unfair. I'd pissed away my progress before she got on the elevator.

Chapter Eight


Of course that’s his type. The slicked-back ponytail and the slim-fitting skirt with the four-inch red-bottomed shoes belonged to a woman I will never be. He’s slept with her. His clothes are mixed up with hers. My stomach roils in revolt.

I shut my eyes. Why am I even upset? I've always known Griff is out of reach and not just because he's in a relationship with someone. Simply because I had my hands in his hair for forty minutes doesn't mean shit. I need to screw my head on, forget Griff, and get some money to bail Mick out.

I march off the elevator and enter the salon through the staff entrance. The door slams against the wall with a bang. Chloe looks up from a bowl of soup.

"Back from lunch already?"

"I wasn't hungry." My stomach grumbles again. The big traitor.

Her perfectly penciled eyebrow shoots up. "Did you get in a fight with the hunk of man meat?" She turns to her left where Stephen, another stylist, is sitting and thumbing his screen. "You should have seen the man that took Lolo out to lunch. He wasbuilt like a rock and had the face of an angel. His voice was so deep, too. I nearly came from just listening to him."

"That's nice." Stephen doesn't look up from his phone. He's not interested in any rock-like formations. He likes them young and slender because he claims they are the most bendy.

Chloe clucks her tongue in disgust. "You have the worst taste in men."

"No. That'd be you. The last guy you dated stole from your mom, remember," Stephen retorts.

"He borrowed cab fare," she says. "That's not stealing."

"It's stealing because he took the money out of her purse without asking and didn't pay it back."

As the two bicker, I grab a health bar and gulp down half the awful thing so that my stomach stops giving me away.

"Anyway," Chloe drawls, "can we get back to Lolo? What's the deal with you and him anyway? I heard you gave him a shampoo."

This is shocking enough for Stephen to drop his phone. "You did what? Did Misty okay this?"

"I had the time," I say defensively. The term "micro-manager" was made for Misty. She goes over every minute of our time, and at the end of the week, we get reports about all the time we wasted, the money that cost the salon and us, and how she expects us to fix it in the following week. Working here would be great if it weren't for Misty.

Stephen shakes his head. "Girl, you have to be more careful. Misty’s already pissed at you because you were late last week. If you mess up again, you're gonna have drain duty for a month."

Drain duty is the task of cleaning the hair out of all the drains. It's as disgusting as it sounds. Misty gives it out as punishment. I've had to do drain duty a lot in the last year, so I'm almost numb to the gross task.

"I'd do drain duty for a $100 tip," Chloe declares. "Honey, give me the money and I'll do the dirty deed tonight."

"A hundred dollar tip?" I croak, nearly choking on the granola.

"Yeah, and you don't even have to share it with Rosalee because he left her a separate twenty." Rosalee is the front desk attendant who bears a striking resemblance to Wednesday Addams.

"I, ah, I..." I stammer.

"This is even worse,” Stephen declares. “Misty’s going to think you took that extra time to hump your boyfriend in the shampoo room. You know how she is about family discounts."

"I didn't give anyone a discount."

"It's true," Chloe confirms. "He paid full price."

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