Page 10 of Tyrant

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Another sigh spills from Lark’s lips, breathy and shocked, when I wind my fingers through her hair and tug brutally, tipping her head back to the dark of night. Looking up at me like I’m the god who painted the night sky into existence, her eyes truly light up for the first time tonight. A low groan rumbles out of me.

If I’m going to feast on her, I’m going to have my fill.

Chapter 4


My breath catches and becomes non-existent as Gray’s hand tangles in my hair and his hard body slams up against mine. Fuck fairytales, with their Prince Charming nonsense, Gray is the only man I have ever hungered for. He’s the only man I’ve ever wanted to kiss me. The first thing I’m aware of besides his heat, is his hard cock jutting into my stomach. He doesn’t slam his mouth over mine and plunder. He parts my lips with the pad of his thumb on my bottom one, looking at me like I’m the sweetest sin he’s ever going to taste. That low growl that erupts from him is the last thing I hear before we both fall into ruin. His mouth slants over mine, kissing me soft and brutal at the same time.

It’s clear that the anchor of control separating us like a gauzy curtain has snapped and we’ve drifted loose. That spark that roared to life in Gray’s mind a few months ago and the ember that has been burning a hole in my belly for years are fanned into a wild, out of control blaze that warms us from the biting wind and the icy cold night.

I know it’s dangerous and wrong. I know that this night is going to be little more than ash by morning. I know that I can never have what I desire, what I begged for. This is a one and a last. Nothing about this is going to fix me, but I’m here anyway. I need it anyway. One taste will never fulfill my cravings. I can’t just move on and find another and give them a heart shot full of holes, but maybe after this night, I’ll be able to breathe again. Maybe the madness in my brain will finally settle.

I curl my hands into the back of Gray’s leather jacket and hang on tight. He started out slow and gentle, but turned into someone wild and depraved. What he’s doing to my mouth is more than just a kiss. He dominates me with lips softer than I ever could have imagined, even though his beard scrapes over my jaw and cheeks.

He didn’t want to do this. He wouldn’t be doing this if I hadn’t driven him to it. He’s breaking his own code of honor, his vows, his brotherhood. He kisses me like it’s him who has been waiting a lifetime and not me, longing for the forbidden.

He’s delicious, the masculine smells that surround him drifting through my skin and knotting themselves inside of me, a rope of memory never to be frayed apart. Leather and gas, oil and lemon, mint and spice.

He tastes all of me, tugging my head back so he can get deeper. All I can do is hang onto him to prevent my knees from buckling when he paints a blazing path over my tongue with his.

He sweeps me back, driving me against his car. The cold metal of the bumper and grill bang against my lower legs and bites through my thin leggings. I’m pinned between the car and the sleek, muscular lines of Gray’s huge body. His heat scorches through me and as his hands tighten in my hair and on my neck, I feel utterly dominated. I wouldn’t allow any other man to handle me this way. No one but Gray has the right to own me and possess me.

I wait for him to say something when his mouth breaks away from mine, but he’s silent except for the ragged breathing. He doesn’t forcefully steal himself away. I don’t have to reach for him and frantically claw him back, afraid that I’ll lose him long before morning comes to tear us apart.

He kisses my chin, scraping his teeth over my sensitive skin and down my neck. I tilt my throat up, letting him have that tender part of me. He doesn’t bite me. He undoes my jacket all the way, puts his scalding hands underneath my sweater and camisole, and thrusts them both up. I’m not wearing a bra. My nipples are hard and ready. His hot mouth scalds a path to them, his beard leaving me raw and tingling. His teeth rasp over me until I throw back my head, ready to scream.

One strong hand clamps over my mouth. I yank him to me, shaking it off. I twist my arms around his corded neck and wrap my legs around his thighs. He rocks forward with the motion to balance us and this time, my ass ends up on the hood of his car. I’m frantic, a wild animal, my mouth latching onto his neck to taste him where his pulse throbs under his skin. I lick his beard just to get to the salt of him beneath. My sharp teeth sink into his skin, sucking and laving him with my tongue until he makes a feral noise that rumbles against my mouth.

His hands leave my neck and hair and I’m afraid this is it. It’s over already, but Gray just looks at me with those wild grass green eyes. It’s always summer when you look into them, even in the dead of winter when the whole world is asleep.

There’s no pause there, no regret, no hesitation. Only a brutal determination that makes me so wet the fabric of my leggings is soaked in a hot rush. I know what Gray is. I know that he’s got a good heart and the best soul, but he’s rough and frayed around the edges. He lives hard and fast. He’s at home on the dark side. I know that it won’t be gentle with him, and I don’t want it to be.

I scoot closer, wrapping my legs tighter around his waist until I feel the hard length of his cock pressing into my stomach. He doesn’t shove my hand away when I press it between us,exploring the shape of him. He’s thick and huge, just like I imagined in all my sleepless, fevered moments, and I know it’s going to hurt. It’s going to tear me apart before it ever feels sweet, and I want it. I want his brutal pain and pleasure. I want the soul of him, all his kindness and loyalty, the gentleness and intelligence he’s never once tried to hide away because he’s proud of who he is and knows those things don’t make him less of a man. He’s always been so sure of himself, even when he was young and still finding his way into a world that has no room for weakness.

I want to cry and mourn and break apart. I hate myself for this selfishness. How can I call it love when I know this will hurt him and cause him more guilt? How can I live with myself if I don’t? Love is hard. It’s complicated. It’s bitter and beautiful, like a rose dipped in poison.

I reach for his belt with the huge metal buckle. It was a gift from his dad for his fourteenth birthday. I remember Raiden laughing about how everything is always skulls, but I could tell my brother was secretly jealous. I’ve only ever seen Gray’s dad once in person, when I was twelve, and I remember thinking they looked nothing alike, even though they dressed similar, in roughed out jeans, worn in t-shirts, a lot of leather, chains looping from back pockets, heavy boots, and skulls all over the place.

“Gray…” I undo the button of his jeans and guide his zipper down carefully and brush my fingers over the waistband of his tight boxers. White with black writing, the same goddamn black writing that I imagined running my fingers over when I made myself come in private. I’d caught a glimpse of them peeking out of his jeans when he bent over earlier that day and for the first time, I truly knew what that hum was in my blood.

I dip his boxers down and take him out. He’s so hot in contrast to the air around us. My fingers barely wrap around him. In all my fantasies, I never imagined that he’d be this thick, so long, so ridiculously beautiful. I trace the vein that runs down the length of his shaft, rubbing it gently with my thumb in wonder. He throws back his head and releases a thunderous groan to the sky. The head of his cock is so red. I swipe my thumb over it, baring my teeth in a hiss of delight as precum leaks from the tip and glistens right in front of me.

“I need you inside of me,” I hiss, running my hand down the length of him again, tightening it just to see the hard shadows it brings to his face, feeling a surge of power ripple through me.

“You’re so small.” His hands circle my waist, and his chest smashes up against mine. It doesn’t sound like criticism.

Gray is more than man enough for me, but am I woman enough for him? I know I’m not woman shaped. I know my boobs are barely there and my ass is flat.

I tilt my chin up, ignoring the sting of insecurity. “Good. I want you to force it to fit. Iwantit to hurt. I want to be so full of you that nothing else exists.”

“Jesus Christ, Lark,” he hisses, but he doesn’t sound the least bit religiously reverent.

I’ve never been so wet and empty. It’s not just dirty talk. I mean it.

I wriggle my hips against him. The pulsing between my legs leaps in tandem with my heartbeat. The heaviness pooling in my belly is so strong that I wonder if I could come just from having Gray’s cock in my hand.

“Gray… please.”

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