Page 12 of Soul

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“Here, sniff this. It’s Valor, an essential oil. It will give you strength and something else to think about besides the pain.”

I inhale deeply and am reminded of doing yoga. Taking classes with the girls, Bree calling out the cues in a serene tone. A happy place. As soon as I can move without pain, I’ll be back to the practice.

“Reminds me of I Am Yoga,” I say with a wistfulness I know she can feel. She tips her head and caresses the side of my face.

“Good times,” she agrees.

“The best. I can’t wait to go back. What’s going on with the studio?”

Bree stiffens her shoulders and twists her lips. She clasps her four-and-a-half-month pregnant belly. I lift a hand out and she holds mine over her stomach. I can almost feel a baby there. At least I’m able to convince myself I can.

“I don’t know yet. Chase found a new location though, says it’s mine if I want it.”

I press up trying to sit straighter. “Really? Where?”

One of her eyebrows rises into a point. “In your building,” she snorts. I shake my head. My man’s protective qualities know no bounds. “As if you didn’t know.”

I open and close my mouth. “I so didn’t! I swear to God.”

Her head pops back. “Huh. Well, when I mentioned it to Phil he was all for it. We’d only be a few floors apart. And get this…” She laughs and I watch her pretty face as mirth takes over her features. “Chase has made the entire tenth floor a yoga studio, small gym, and wait for it…”—Maria, Kat, and I lean closer to her—“...a daycare!”

“No way.” A daycare. Chase? I mull it over. “He didnotmention that to me. I mean, I overheard him saying something to Dana about expanding the company on the tenth floor to a larger building across the street, but that’s all I heard. A daycare, really?”

Bree nods her head vigorously. “Says that he wants to offer more benefits to his employees. The gym, the yoga studio, and the daycare are going to be a benefit. During the evening hours, the daycare can be used for those yogis who don’t have anywhere to leave their kids. It will be part of a monthly fee they can tack onto their classes. The gym though, that’s only going to be for staff and their families. He says I can run my business like usual only he’ll pay me per employee per session, but at severely discounted rate.”

I narrow my eyes. “Why severely?” That’s very unlike Chase. Usually he’d just give the studio to her.

“Because I’m not going to be paying rent or utilities. That’s a huge expense. I’m actually going to triple my income, maybe even quadruple it.”

Now that sounds like my Chase. I smile. He gave my soul sister a new home for her studio, a daycare for not only her new baby coming in a few months but also for Anabelle. Of course, I’m sure he’ll play it off like it was for everyone. He is giving, but I know his ulterior motive. He knows it will make me happy knowing my friend is so close, and to have her yoga studio and daycare in the same building as our penthouse? Perfection. He is so going to get laid. Just as soon as I break out of this medical jail.

“So what’s the problem?” Kat asks. “Sounds like a dream come true to me. You have a new, untainted location that’s bigger, safer location, a free daycare for baby Bree and Anabelle, and you’ll be close to Phil and Gigi. I’m not seeing the issue.”

Bree shimmies from foot to foot. “I just don’t want to take advantage, you know? Gigi, Chase is going to be your husband, but just because he’s got more money than all of us combined doesn’t mean we should abuse that. I want him to know that we’re his family now, not just some moochers.”

“You calling me a mooch,seniorita? I live across the street rent-free in a building with cameras and a doorman. Initially, I had a problem with it, then I realized Chase didn’t do it for me.”

“Sure he did!” I say my words coming out with clear irritation.

Her eyes narrow right back as she shakes her head. “Mierda! He did it because he knowsyouwill be worried and freaked out about my safety. Which isridículoby the way. I can defend myself. Though I can’t deny, being able to afford the good vino and a few extra dance outfits has been nice.” She grins, and I push at her shoulder.

“So you think I should take Chase’s offer and move the studio?”

Three sets of eyes focus on Bree. A simultaneous “Yes!” echoes throughout the room.

Bree holds up her hands in surrender. “Okay, fine, fine. I’ll tell him when he comes back.”

When he comes back?

I look around the room. He’s not there. There is absolutely nothing in the room that shows he’s been here. My heart starts to pound, thumping powerfully in my chest. The beeping of the machine instantly goes red and a little alarm sounds. I can see my blood pressure rising. Sweat beads on my forehead.

Where is he? He can’t be gone.

“He can’t be gone. Where is he?” The tone of my voice isn’t mine. It’s unrecognizable to even me. Maria’s eyes go from blue to dark. Her face twists into a grimace. I squeeze her hand and ground down on my teeth.

“Gigi, what’s the matter? You’re hurting my hand,chica.” She tries to tug it out of my grasp.

“Gigi, you’re okay, we’re right here,” Kat says, but it doesn’t really get through.

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