Page 11 of Soul

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His wife.Not fucking possible. I grit my teeth and try not to correct the man. “Really? Is she okay?” He nods. “Banged up pretty bad. The guy who took her was a real sick-o if you know what I mean.”

My head flies back at the offensive slam. “No, I don’t. Tell me!” My voice turns harsh and his eyebrows narrow. “I mean, you know buddy, what did he do that was bad?”

“I don’t know everything, but from what I heard, he had her shackled like a slave. Stole her on her wedding day, too. Still had the dress on when she arrived on the chopper half dead.”

“Half dead!” I say far too loudly.

“You deaf? Yeah, guy almost killed her. Anyway, I need to do my rounds. Keep an eye out for this guy.” He holds up a picture of me. It is one that Gillian had of us together only someone cut her out of it.

Do they think they can cut me out of her life? That I’ll go away so easily?

I study the photo for another moment. “Well, I hope you find the guy.”

“Yeah it would be great if I’m the one who gets to take him out. Would be a real service to mankind.” The overweight man slaps me on the back. I clench my fist to prevent my natural inclination to wrap my hands around his beefy head and twist his neck until the bones snap, crackle, and pop.

He left to finish his rounds as I move to do the same. Only I make it a point to walk past every security guard, ask them a question or bump into them. None of them recognize me. Stupid idiots. This time tomorrow, I’ll have my girl back.

Chapter Five


Something ticklesmy nose and I open my eyes. It’s Maria. Her smile is huge.

“Cara bonita, you are a sight for very sore eyes.” She sits in the chair next to me, clasps my hand in both of hers then pulls them to her cheeks. The olive of her skin is a stark contrast to the pallor and bruises of my own. A long breath escapes her lips. Two tears fall delicately down her cheeks.

“No,” I shake my head. “I’m okay, really.” Those full lips of hers tip upward slightly but can’t seem to hold onto a smile.

“Gigi, we almost lost you.Ido.Gone. I cannot lose you. You, the girls, you’re all I have.”

I frown. “That’s not true. You have Tommy and Phil, and Chase.”

She laughs before her ice-blue eyes focus on mine and she gets very close. Her nose touches mine and she nuzzles it then rests her forehead against the crown of mine. “It’s not the same, and you know thatcara bonita.”

I do know that. No matter how many men come and go in our lives, the four of us, Maria, Bree, Kat, and I have something no one else has. It’s unconditional, sent down from the Heavens above. It just is. Losing one would be like losing a limb or a piece of me. Completely, utterly, unbearable.

Instead of responding, I nod and run my hand through her hair. The silky, dark waves are soft and shiny. She smells of coconut and a summer day. Maria brings that to my life. The sun. Warm, enriching, a necessity to keep the dark at bay.

The door flings open and Bree and Kat enter each holding two Styrofoam cups. Bree sets down the cups and dashes to my side. “Thank God, Gigi.” Tears instantly pour down her beautiful face as she tries to hug me around her belly but also holds herself back, her arms shaking with the strain. “I’m afraid to hurt you.”

I pull her into a tight embrace. She slumps into me, returning the hug. “You could never hurt me with a hug.” Her tears wet the shoulder of my hospital gown, and I pet her hair then wipe away her tears with one hand. “I’m on the mend. I’ll be good as new in a couple weeks.” I say while looking into Kat’s then Maria’s eyes.

Kat grabs Bree’s arm hoisting her up and off the hospital bed. “Share the love, chick!” She scowls at Bree then takes her place, her arms wrapping around me like a warm blanket on a cold day. I snuggle in, and she runs her hands up and down my back. “I cannot tell you how happy we are to have you home safe. Those few days were torture. The not knowing,” her voice catches and I hold on tighter. “We’re just really glad you’re back…” she trails off and pulls away. Her lip is trembling and those caramel-colored eyes fill to the brim with unshed tears. She looks up and presses at the corners of each eye, shakes her head, and then smiles as if she’s just put herself in check. Kat has always been one of the strongest women I know. Of the four of us, she’s usually able to keep it together in difficult situations. I hold her hand and Maria’s. Bree sits at the foot and places her own on my ankle. I wince sucking in a breath. She jumps back.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s your ankle.” Her face is scrunched into a worried one.

Maria’s eyebrows narrow. “What’s wrong with yourtobillos?” She brazenly clutches the blanket between her fingers and pulls it back. Bree chokes back a sob and covers her mouth with her hand. Kat looks away the tears finally falling. I look down and see the bandages wrapped around each ankle are soaked through with blood. Looks like it’s time for the nurse to change them. Maria’s jaw tightens and she speaks through her teeth. “Why are they like this?”

It’s surprising that they act as though they haven’t been informed of my injuries. Then again, Chase would spare them. “Uh, Danny. He had me shackled by the ankles and wrists. I was connected to this pulley system, but the shackles were too tight and rusted through. When I struggled, they dug in. At the time I didn’t notice. Really. It’s just that the wounds got infected, so they’re giving me oral and topical antibiotics. Doctor says I’ll be fine. Really. In a couple weeks it will be like nothing ever happened.”

That’s when Maria begins to pace, muttering obscenities under her breath. I can barely catch a few words. Something aboutcerdo asquerosowhich I recall meaning ‘disgusting pig’ and then she saysmartarlo,which I know for a fact means ‘kill him’ in Spanish.

Kat shakes her head, holds my hand and smiles. “Well, with us around all the time, you’re sure to heal quickly. Right ladies?”

I scrunch up my face, but that movement hurts. Really bad. I close my eyes to breathe through the jolts of pain spreading from my head down to my gut where nausea bubbles.

I will not throw up, I will not throw up. Breathe through it, Gigi. You’ve done this a million times before.

When the pain lessens and the nausea subsides, I fake a smile. Kat and Maria don’t buy it, concern heavy in their gazes. Bree ruffles through her giant patchwork purse. She pulls out a little brown bottle with a purple label. It says Valor on it.

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