Page 87 of Emperor of Rage

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Freya yanks herself away from me, turning and storming off into the night.

I don’t know how to stop this. I don’t know how to fix it. So instead, I do what I always do.

Throw fuel on the fire, and probably make shit worse.

In a few strides I catch up to her again, grabbing her arm and spinning her around to face me.

“Donotwalk away from me,” I growl, my grip tightening on her arm.

She jerks her arm, trying to break free, but I pull her closer, pinning her against the cold bricks of the alley wall. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she glares up at me with wild, angry eyes.

“I’m not letting you go,” I snarl, my voice low and dangerous. “Not now. Not ever.”

Her eyes widen, but she doesn’t say anything. The air between us is charged, electric, the tension crackling like a live wire about to snap.

“You’remine,” I growl, my lips brushing against her ear, my voice a rough whisper. “And I’ll never let you forget it.”

Freya’s pulse races under my touch, and her hands come up but then stop, resting against my chest as if she can’t decide whetherto shove me away or pull me closer. Her breath comes in short gasps, her lips parted as she stares up at me, her eyes wide and wild.

“I hate you,” she whispers, her voice shaky.

I smirk, leaning closer, my lips brushing against her neck. “No, you don’t.”

She trembles, her body responding to my touch even as her mind fights it. I can feel the conflict raging inside her, the way she’s so torn.

And I love it.

I love the chaos I stir up in her very blood.

“Let me go,” she whispers. The words are weak, barely a protest.

I tighten my grip on her hips, pulling her closer until there’s no space between us. “No.”

Her breath catches in her throat as she stares up at me with wide, wild eyes. She hates me. I know she does. But she wants me just as much.That’swhat drives me crazy and makes this so addictive, so dangerous.

I lean down, my lips brushing across hers, a rough whisper escaping my mouth. “You’re mine, Freya.”

And then I kiss her.

It’s not gentle. Not soft. It’s a possessive, desperate kiss that claims her and reminds her who she belongs to. Her hands clutch at my shirt, pulling me closer, and for a moment, we’re lost in the chaos of each other, in the fury and passion burning between us.

When I pull back, staring down at her flushed face and trembling lips, something else is flickering in her eyes—something vulnerable and broken.

“You left,” she whispers again, her voice small.

The words hit me harder than I expect. For a brief moment, the fury inside me quiets. I stare down at her, my chest tightening with something I don’t want to name and can’t afford to feel.

“But I came back,” I murmur roughly.

She looks up at me, her eyes searching mine, and everything stills. The anger, the desire, the chaos—it all fades away, leaving just the two of us, standing in the alley, clinging to each other like we’re the only things keeping each other from falling apart.

But I know better.

This isn’t something that can be fixed with words or kisses. This is something darker and much more dangerous.

I can’t save her fromme.

But I also can’t let her go.

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