Page 72 of Emperor of Rage

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“We’ll find them, Frey,” he growls. “I promise.”

Yeah. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Kir over the years, it’s that he doesn’t give up. Ever. It’s one of the reasons I’ve always respected him so much—he’s relentless, just like me. That’s why we work so well together.

I lean back in my chair, taking another sip of whiskey, trying to focus on the task at hand. I glance up as the door to the library creaks open, and Mia, one of the newer household staff, steps inside. She’s carrying a fresh drink for Kir, her eyes wide and nervous as she approaches him.

But there’s a boldness in her gaze too that makes me want to roll my eyes. I also don’t miss that her makeup is freshly touched up, the skirt of her maid’s uniform hiked up alittlehigher than usual, or that the top button of said uniform is open, showing a hefty amount of cleavage and a glimpse of black lace bra.

Ugh, not even anything tasteful. It’s like sale bin Victoria’s Secret.

Up your game, girl.

She sets the drink down in front of Kir, her hand lingering a little too long on the glass, her voice soft and sugary as she murmurs, “Anything else I can get for you,sir?”

Kir doesn’t even look up. “That’ll be all, Mia.”

There’s no angry edge to his voice, but the dismissal is clear. He’s not interested. He never is. But Mia, like so many before her, just doesn’t get the hint. Her smile falters only for a second before she composes herself and clears her throat.

“Well, I’m availableallevening, if there’sanythingthat you need,sir?—”

“I said that’ll be all, Mia.”

There’s a finality in his tone now that shuts the whole thing down. Mia’s face darkens and she nods curtly as she turns and quickly clicks out of the room on ridiculously high heels.

I wait until the door shuts before I glance at Kir, smirking. “You’d think she’d get the hint by now.”

Kir finally looks up, a faint smile on his lips. “She’ll be gone by morning. Promise.”

I chuckle. “Oh, don’t fire her on my account.”

“I’m not. I’m firing her onmine.” He sighs. “I don’t need that shit around the house.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know why they bother.”

“They see power and think they can charm their way into it,” Kir shrugs, lifting his drink to his lips. “But power comes from control, not being distracted.”

I nod, completely understanding. Kir and I are cut from the same cloth. We don’tgetdistracted. We don’t let emotions or petty desires cloud our judgment. That’s another reason we’ve always worked so well together. We see the bigger picture.

“Have you contacted The Broker yet?” Kir asks, his sharp gaze drifting back to my laptop.

I bite back a grimace. The Broker is the black market, underworld go-between that set Annika and I up with the job with Ulkan Gacaferi to steal the yellow Lambo, which unfortunately got us back on that monster Valon Leka’s radar in the process.

Kir, however, knows none of this, because we haven’ttold himabout the Lambo job.

“Not yet,” I say quickly. “But I will.”

Kir watches me for a moment, his expression softening in that way it only does when he’s around me or Annika. “We’ll figure this all out out, Freya. We always do.”

I give him a small smile, the weight of his trust settling over me like a warm blanket. “Yeah. We will.”

A few hours later, with dawn approaching and my eyes blurry from staring at my laptop for too long, I finally take a break. Kir’s asleep on the office couch when I toss a blanket over him and retreat to my room, the events of the day weighing heavily on me.

It’s been aninsanetwenty-four hours.

Dinner and karaoke…a high-speed car chase in a stolen vehicle…a trip across an international border…acting out aseriouslyfucked-up kink with Mal and losing my fucking virginity to him…and then to top it all off a car bombing at Annika’s wedding?

I mean, a pause button would be nice.

Exhaustion washes through me, worse because I didn’t get any of my usual daytime sleep today. But my mind is too restless to allow me any peace. Too many thoughts are swirling, too many emotions are tangled up inside me.

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