Page 174 of Emperor of Rage

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Jonas recovers faster than I expected. He rips off the goggles and slams into me with brutal force.

I feel the blade before I see it, a sharp sting of steel as it pierces my side. I roar in pain, but I don’t let go. We’re locked together in a vicious struggle, his hand twisting the knife deeper.


Her voice cuts through the chaos. I look up, stunned. Through the haze of pain, I see them.

Hana. Kir.


Our eyes lock, pure fire exploding between us. My hurt lurches, and the burning need to take her into my arms is almost overwhelming.

But then Jonas twists the knife again, sending a fresh wave of agony through my body. He yanks it out, only to viciously stab it right back into my ribs. I roar in pain, my vision blurring and my strength flooding out of me along with my blood.


Hana’s voice grabs my attention. I blink through the pain, only now seeing just how grim it looks down here. The walls, the lone light. The filthy floor.

Kir, who genuinely looks dead lying on the ground.

Hana’s face is pale and hollow when our eyes lock. But she grits her teeth, forcing a braveness into her eyes as she and Freya wrench themselves off the floor and bolt toward me.


My pulse jangles and Freya and Hana skid to a stop when Jonas yanks a gun out of the back of his pants. He levels it at the two of them, grinning monstrously and shaking his head.

“That’s not how we play this game,” he growls darkly. “Back.”

Freya stands tall, glaring pure hate at Jonas before her eyes dart to mine and soften. Hana looks like she’s about to fall over, but she also holds her ground, right next to Freya.

“Sit. DOWN,” Jonas barks coldly. “Or I’ll let him bleed out right here.”

He twists the knife still embedded in my ribs. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of visibly reacting. Just the same, my teeth grind, pain coursing through my body as I fight the urge to scream.

Freya half lurches toward me before I stop her.

“No,” I croak, shaking my head as Jonas levels the gun at her. “No, Freya…”

“Listen to him, girl,” Jonas spits venomously. He grabs me by the arm, dragging me back toward the door as I roar in overwhelming pain.

Out of nowhere, a shape launches into Jonas. Hana lets out a yell as she smashes an elbow into his nose, catching him off guard. He drops my hand, snarling as he tries to fend her off. But Hana’s been practicing jiu-jitsu since she was six.

She’s a whirlwind as she catches Jonas in the chest and stomach, then drops him to one knee with a leg sweep. Her hand slams into his face, knocking him sideways as he spits a torrent of blood.


I wince as Freya suddenly grabs me up off the floor and yanks me to her, sobbing. “Let’s?—”

The gunshot thunders so loud it feels like it’s coming from inside my head. I spin just in time to see stone fragments falling from the ceiling as Hana stumbles back, her face pale, her hands over her ears.

In one motion, a furious-looking Jonas winds up and cracks the butt of the gun across her face. Freya screams as my cousin goes toppling sideways, the light in her eyes flickering on and off as she drops to the ground.

“The next bullet goes through your fucking skull.”

The room goes still. Desperate fury roars through me as I look over to where Hana is slumped on the floor, barely moving.

“Back up,” Jonas hisses at Freya.

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