Page 164 of Emperor of Rage

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I don’t have time to soothe Russian guilt right now.

“Anything you remember about what happened? Before you faded out?”

He nods. “Da. They were definitely professionals. I caught a few of their tattoos. Pretty sure they wereKrvi i Novca.”


“The Serbian mercenary outfit?”

Isaak nods again. “Da. Good, well trained.Veryexpensive.” He bites back obvious pain as his eyes swivel to me. “This man who took Freya and your cousin… Who is he?”

My blood turns to acid.

Someone I should have killed years ago, right after I’d run Kasper through with that hay fork after he’d killed Filip.

I should have known. I should have known that the evil in him even as a boy would only grow, and fester, and spread like poison.

“Just someone from my past with an ax to grind,” I mutter, my voice edged and cold.

“He’s wealthy? Well-connected?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. Not that I was aware of.”

“He is if he hiredKrvi i Novca,” Isaak grunts dourly. He shakes his head. “Fuck. KirandFreya…taken.” His face darkens, pain flickering in his eyes as he raises them to me. “He isn’t just myboss, and she isn’t just my charge to protect, or a co-worker,” Isaak grunts. “They are both like family to me. Theyaremy family, along with Annika, even now that she’s married to your cousin.”

Part of me had thought to confront Isaak tonight and ask him if Kir knew Freya was his daughter. But it’s pretty obvious that Isaak himself isn’t aware of that connection, and I don’t have time to play family tree with him.


We’re interrupted by a nurse walking in. She takes a few readings from Issak’s machines, and then smiles at him.

“You’re ready now?”

“Da, thank you.”

I watch her inject something into his IV.

“What the fuck is that?” I growl.

She glances at me curiously. “Are you family?”


She doesn’t answer, just turns back to finish administering whatever it is she’s giving to him. She tosses the syringe, makes a few more notes, pats Isaak’s hand, shoots me a not-so-hidden dirty look, and then heads back out.

I frown as I turn back to him. “Isaak, what the fuck did she just give you?”

“I am like you, you know,” Isaak murmurs. “I was alone in the world, without family. But then I met Kir. And through him, my brothers and sisters in the Nikolayev. Damian. Annika. Freya…”

Swearing under my breath, I stoop down and reach into the trash, pulling out the little vial the nurse chucked.


It’s fucking morphine. My gaze rips back to Isaak, and it’s only then that I realize he’s been holding the little switch in his hands to call the nurse for pain management.

Isaak is one tough son of a bitch, but it would seem he finally needs that edge taken off. Which means I’m out of time to get any details of the attack out of him.

“Issak, if you can rememberanythingelse?—”

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