Page 161 of Emperor of Rage

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He nods, then his brow furrows as he gets where I’m going. “Fuck,” he growls, glancing at Hana and me. “And you were in Kyoto.”

Hana nods, peering closer at his side. “Your wound is bad,” she mutters. “But the blood has stopped flowing freely. So you were injured some time ago.”

I glance at her. “Long enough for someone to gethimto us, orusto him…”

“…Or all of us somewhere else,” Hana finishes glumly.

She’s right. When I was drugged that time in France, I was out for literally twenty-four hours. We could beanywhereon the fucking planet right now. But I squash down the horrible feeling that idea brings up inside me.

“Okay,” I say, my voice trembling but resolute. “We’re going to figure this out. We’ll get out of here.”

But just as the words leave my mouth, the crackle of a loudspeaker fills the room and I jolt, my heart slamming in my chest.

“We’re going to play agame.”

The voice makes my blood turn cold. It’s cruel, malicious, with a thick Scandinavian accent. It echoes through the small space, reverberating off the stone walls like something out of a nightmare.

Hana whirls, her hand shooting out to grab my wrist tightly.

“But there’s a gamewithinthe game,” the voice continues, its tone almost mocking. “Freya, I see your great concern for Kir. You care for him, don’t you?”

My fear twists into fury. “He needs help!” I yell into the gloom. “He’s hurt! You can’t just?—”

“I can do whatever I want,” the voice says dismissively. “I am in control now. Not you. He’s fine for now.”

My jaw sets as I glare into the darkness. “People will be missing us!” I scream defiantly. “They’ll come looking for us! And when they get here, you’re fuckingdead.”

The voice is silent for a moment before it laughs darkly, the sound ominous. “Oh, I know, FreyaLindqvist.”

I stiffen, a nauseated, cold feeling ripping into me.

“What the fuck did he say?” Kir grunts from behind us, his voice weak.

“Iknowsomeone will come for you,” the voice chuckles. “I’m counting on it. In fact, I even knowwhoit will be.”

A shiver runs down my spine.

“The man who loves you, Freya.”

The words send a tremor through me, and even though everything about this moment is a pure horror show, I can’t stop the spark that flickers in my chest.

The man who loves me.


It hurts to think about him, after everything that happened. But when I hear those words, it hits me all at once, and I realizewhyit hurt so much. Why it broke me so badly when I saw that betrayal all over his laptop screen.

Because I love him, too.

I pull in a shaky breath, trying to stay strong. “If you think Mal’s going to come and indulge you in your little fuckinggames, you’re delusional,” I fire back fiercely, even though my hands are trembling.

The voice sighs in response, sounding almost bored. “Oh, he’ll play. But before he does, Freya, you have a chance to help him.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Hana snaps sharply, though I can hear the fear beneath her anger.

The voice chuckles again, that same cold, mocking sound. “When Mal arrives, he will face a choice: save the woman he loves or save his family.“

The words hit like a punch to the gut, forcing the air from my lungs. Hana and I glance at each other at the same time, a horrified feeling ripping up my spine as our eyes lock.

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