Page 58 of Her Bears

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“Are we in danger fromthem?” someone asks.

Rock thinks about it for a moment. He always does that when he wants to give an honest reply and wants to look at it from all angles.

“Don’t get me wrong, but we are always in danger,” he says, much to everyone’s confusion. “Maybe not from that clan, but from someone else. With that said, that doesn’t mean that we have to live in fear. No. On the contrary, we live every daycelebrating it, and we are ready for anything. That is what makes every day so special, too special to be wasted, to be spent making the wrong choices.”

Everyone raises their glasses at those words, looking at him. This is the moment where we all realize how lucky we are to have him protect us and keep us all safe and focused on what truly matters.

“Hear, hear!” Everyone shouts at the same time, and clinks glasses to all those who are near enough for it.

It seems that Rock has managed to awaken what is best in us, as always. He simply has a knack for saying the right words at the right moment, not to mention doing the right thing when it needs to be done, no matter how difficult it may be.

Now, all that is left is for everyone to indulge in good food and good company.

The dining hall is adorned with colorful banners and filled with the lively chatter of villagers. Everywhere I turn, I see a scene of joyous reunion. Rock is to my right, at the head of the table, and to his right, Elena is seated, already engaged in conversation with Leo, sitting next to her.

The long wooden table is set with an array of mouthwatering dishes, and looking at them, only now do I realize how hungry I am. At the center of the table there is a grand roast, golden brown and glistening, surrounded by platters of carved meats. The aroma of roasted herbs and spices wafts through the air, enticing everyone to indulge in these savory delights, while discussing whatever is on their minds. The sides are roasted vegetables, drizzled with a hint of olive oil, offering a burst of flavors and colors.

Baskets of freshly baked bread, still warm from the village ovens, are scattered across the tables. I take one, biting into it, as the crusty exterior gives way to soft, pillowy insides, perfect forsoaking up the rich sauces and gravies that accompany the main dishes.

On another table, there is a selection of cheeses paired with honey, nuts and an assortment of freshly baked crackers. A bit down, a variety of salads showcasing our own, homegrown produce. Crisp greens, juicy tomatoes and vibrant herbs tossed in light vinaigrettes.

As for drinks, there are barrels and barrels of our homemade wines, each more delicious than the one before. We all clink glasses in toasts, savoring the fruits of our labor and celebrating the resilience of our community. The dining hall echoes with the sounds of laughter, the clinking of glasses and the satisfaction of a shared meal. This feast not only fills our stomachs, but it serves as a testament to the strength and unity of our clan, our village and our love for one another.

The feast lasts for hours as none of us want to get up and stop celebrating. We keep bringing out more food, more drinks and the conversation just keeps flowing. At one point, we all notice that it has gotten dark, and one by one, everyone starts retiring to their cottages. The dining hall has emptied almost completely, save for a few villagers, Rock, El and me. When the last friends bid us good night, I turn to El and Rock.

“Are we calling it a night as well?” I wonder.

She smiles. “Not yet. I feel so full of energy like I’m going to burst. I don’t feel like sleeping at all.”

Rock chuckles. “Well, what do you want to do?”

“Take a stroll to the waterfalls?” she suggests. “I was thinking we could go skinny dipping.”

Rock and I lock gazes, shrugging at the same time. “Why not?”

The stroll through the woods is relaxing and peaceful. Even nature seems to assure us that it is safe once again to be walking through these woods, without expecting an enemy bearshifter to jump at us and attack us. We have reclaimed our home, and we feel it welcome us back with every step.

The air is cool, carrying with it the scent of damp earth and the distant rustle of leaves in the wind. Our path is illuminated by moonlight, a path that the three of us have chosen for ourselves. The distant sound of rushing water is growing louder and louder with each step, guiding us in the right direction.

As we approach, the night reveals the majestic waterfall in all its glory. It looks even more breathtaking in the darkness than during the day. Moonbeams are dancing on the cascading waters, turning the liquid into a silvery spectacle. Around it, there is lush foliage, its edges adorned with glistening dewdrops that sparkle like diamonds. If there truly is heaven on earth, this has to be it.

“Come on!” El skips like a little girl, joyful and full of life, leading us closer to the water, toward a spot by the pool formed at the base of the waterfall. The sounds of the serene night are enhanced by the soothing symphony of water meeting rock. The cool mist from the waterfall kisses her face as she takes off her t-shirt. She is not wearing a bra. Her round, perky breasts jiggle slightly as she proceeds to take off her pants, then her panties, leaving nothing on.

Rock and I are mesmerized. We watch in awe as the moonlight caresses her skin, creating a magical glow, as if she is made of sparkling stars. Her fiery hair flows down her porcelain skin, a perfect contrast, a perfect combination.

“Last one in is a rotten egg!” she shouts with a giggle, jumping in first and splashing us.

She continues to chuckle even when she surfaces, looking at us. “What? You’re still not in? Boo!”

I look at Rock, grinning. “I won’t be a rotten egg.”

Rock’s eyes widen, then he bursts into a chuckle. We start undressing at the same time, glancing at her, then at each other.We both jump in at the same time and the water embraces us, cool and refreshing. Laughter echoes all around us, mingling with the sound of the water. The night amplifies every splash, making this spontaneous adventure a memory for all times.

“So, who’s the rotten egg then?” El asks playfully, swimming through the water. Her body is hidden from plain sight, and even with the cold water all around me, my own body reacts to hers in tidal waves of molten heat. I watch as she swims, her movements a dance of fluidity.

“Not me!” I shout, diving down, and circling her under the water, which makes her chuckle. As I surface, my body creates playful ripples that mirror the twinkling stars above.

“Yes, you are!” she laughs, splashing water at me, which sparks bouts of laughter from all three of us.

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