Page 57 of Her Bears

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I know he’s right, but at the same time, I feel sad. This could have all been avoided if they didn’t come here, if they didn’t seek to steal what wasn’t theirs in the first place. He leads me out of the tent, with Rock leading the way.

A few of the guards try to stop us, but it is obvious that they are confused as to what is happening. Cal takes over, seeing that Rock couldn’t speak.

“Your leader is dead,” he says simply, while their weapons are still aimed at us. “If you want to fight us, you can. Although I do not advise it.”

In response, Rock growls so loudly that it makes the entire woods tremble. One of the guards drops his spear onto the ground, shivering with fright. It is truly a majestic sound, and my heart is full of pride to call him, to call both of them, mine.

The guards all exchange glances. They don’t know what to do. It is obvious that they are lost without guidance, without someone to give them orders and make decisions on their behalf. Cal immediately realizes what is happening. So, he decides to speak again.

“Just put down your weapons and go back where you came from,” Cal advises them once more. “No one else needs to get hurt or die. Despite what you believed or believe now, it is not in our nature to kill. We have a moral compass. And that moral compass allows us to make the right choices in situations such as this one. All we seek is safe passage through your camp, so we can go home. Because this is our home. Not yours. You came here, wanting to take it away from us, but you won’t. We won’t allow you to. However, we will forgive your trespasses, and we will allow you to go home in the numbers that you have left. Just… let us pass through.”

A few murmurs are heard. I look at him, proud that he has spoken so wisely. I can see how much he has grown out of this experience, how more expressive and knowing he is. I suppose that none of us are the same people we used to be. We’ve all changed, but for the better, because we want to be better for each other. And Cal has proven this development now with his wise words.

Finally, the first weapon is dropped to the ground. Then the second one, the third, the fourth, and so on. At one point, none of the guards are holding any more weapons in their hands.They are watching us, still with that slightly confused look in their eyes. Then, one by one they start moving to the side, giving us clear passage through their camp.

Slowly, we start walking in a strangely solemn ceremony. Rock is walking in the middle, with Cal and me on either side of him, with our hands on his back, signaling our unbreakable connection. When we pass through the camp and leave it, we don’t turn around. We don’t care what they will do, but if they decide to attack us again, they know what to expect.

We keep walking through the woods, as the morning sunlight spills onto us like a golden shower through the lush canopy of greenery above our heads. Occasionally, Rock grunts something, and Cal always replies playfully.

“You know I don’t understand you like this,” he teases. “And neither does El. Just change now. We’re almost home.”

The bear looks at him, shaking its head, then runs ahead playfully. I chuckle at the sight.

“I never thought Rock could be so… playful,” I comment, watching him sharpen his claws on a tree, then run after us, only to nuzzle my hand.

“Rock can be a lot of things,” Cal muses. “He has just taken on his primary role of a leader.”

“A protector,” I smile.

He smiles back patting Rock’s back. “Exactly. See? I told you that he would come for us.”

I feel so full as if my heart will explode. “I never doubted it for a moment.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


We’re back at the village, and Rock has finally shifted. I give him my t-shirt, which he wraps around his waist, although none of us minded, least of all El, who was teasing him with every step that we neared the village.

As soon as we enter the cave, I notice that everyone is armed, waiting for us to return. They are all gathered at the heart of the village, obviously in an effort to ask questions about what happened and to welcome us back.

As we approach them, the villagers all erupt into cheers. Little ones run toward us to greet us, and the elders watch with relieved smiles.

“What a welcome,” Elena beams, holding her head high as we all walk into the heart of the jubilant crowd.

“Welcome! Welcome!” Everyone is shouting and cheering, patting us on the back, congratulating Rock for bringing us back home safe and sound.

I expect Rock to settle everyone down and give a speech, but I am surprised to see that Willow takes on that role. She stands on a wooden bench, gesturing at everyone to be quiet.

“Friends and fellow villagers,” she starts, her voice strong and resonant, “we stand here today not just as survivors of a perilous attack, but as witnesses to the extraordinary bravery of one among us, who has fought without the strength of a shifter, but equally bravely and with equal force. Elena,” she pauses here, pointing at her, “saved my life during the enemy bear shifter attack. She came to my aid when I thought that I was surely going to die.”

All eyes are now on Elena, and I can see that she is on the verge of tears. So, is Willow, someone who is not prone to emotional outbursts, so that makes this speech a once in a lifetime event, which we all listen to attentively.

A genuine smile breaks across Willow’s face as she continues her speech. “Elena, you have shown bravery beyond your physical means by defending someone who was not family nor friend. You didn’t even hesitate. And that bravery has earned a place in my heart… in all our hearts. With the permission and confirmation of all those around me, today, I declare you a part of our clan. Your actions have proven that you share our values and our commitment to protecting one another. Welcome, Elena, to our family!”

The crowd erupts into thunderous applause, expressing their approval and gratitude. Elena’s eyes are shimmering with a mix of humility and pride as the villagers surround her, offering handshakes, hugs and gestures of appreciation. A sense of unity and triumph permeates the air, turning what could have been a moment of tragedy into one of celebration.

After the warm congratulations, everyone disperses to their cottages, getting ready for the celebratory lunch and for Rock to tell the entire story of what happened and what we are to expect moving on from here. Several hours later, we are all seated at a long dining table, with Rock already having shared his story. However, a few questions remain.

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