Page 23 of Her Bears

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“Mhm,” he nods. “We figured you probably left very early, and you’d be hungry by the time we reached you.”

I wasn’t even thinking about food, but now, holding these two sandwiches in my hands, I realize that I am actually starving.

“You were right,” I smile. “Thank you.”

“Why don’t we sit by the lake so you can eat in peace?” Cal suggests.

“That’s a great idea,” I agree.

We find a place by the lake shore, taking a seat, all three of us. I unwrap one of the sandwiches that Cal brought, appreciating the simple yet thoughtful gesture. As I take a bite, the crunch of bread echoes in the quietude, punctuating what is already promising to be a warm, sunny day.

Rock has been silent all this time, gazing at the sun-kissed lake. “This place is really something else.”

Cal immediately nods in agreement. “Back in the village, everything seems so different. Here, it’s like we’re in a different world.”

We fall into a contemplative conversation about the beauty of raw, untouched nature, our voices merging with the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft lapping of the lake against the shore. Then, Rock turns to me with a curious expression.

“Elena, do you have a place like this back where you’re from? A serene spot that just takes your breath away?”

I pause, chewing thoughtfully on the question. The truth is, my hometown is a town like any other, with nothing this beautiful in it. A wistful smile plays on my lips as I respond honestly. “No, nothing like this. And I think, even if there was something, it would not even come near this lake. There is something uniquely enchanting about this place.”

Suddenly, Cal’s face lights up with an unexpected burst of energy. Without warning, he leaps to his feet, breaking the tranquility of our contemplation.

“Hey, I just got a crazy idea,” he tells us. “How about a swim?”

Rock and I exchange surprised glances, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected proposition. The lake, sparkling under the daylight, mirrors the vivid blue sky above, almost inviting us to come in and take a dip.

“No way!” Rock smirks, but it’s obvious that he’s amused by Cal, as always.

Little by little, I am starting to see the dynamic of the two, and I realize that they complement each other in a way that makes them both perfect.

“Oh, come on, you old bat!” Cal teases him.

“Who are you calling an old bat?” Rock replies, getting up.

I do the same, my eyes widening. “You don’t mean to agree with this, do you?”

“I think he’s just bluffing,” he tells me a little silently, but Cal has overheard him.

“Bluffing?” Cal exclaims. “I’ll show you!”

“Oh, crap,” Rock blinks heavily as he speaks.

It seems that Cal has taken matters into his own hands. With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, he starts shedding his clothes one piece at a time, leaving a trail of laughter as well as a trail of clothes. Rock and I exchange another glance, half in disbelief, half in amusement, as Cal continues with his playful striptease.

Cal grins, now standing before us in nothing but his underpants. I can’t take my eyes off of him. The sunlight is accentuating the contours of his chiseled physique, casting a golden glow over his toned muscles. His carefree demeanor and the playful sparkle in his eyes only seem to add to his boyish charm, creating an image of effortless confidence.

“Well…” he shouts loudly and theatrically, “if you guys won’t join me, then I’ll just have to make a splash all by myself!”

Without further ado, he sprints towards the lake’s edge and launches himself into the water with an exuberant whoop. The surface erupts in a burst of sunlit droplets as Cal’s bold leap creates a spectacular splash. Rock and I explode with laughter, unable to take our eyes off of him.

When he surfaces again, he shakes his head, and wet strands of his hair slide down his face in a boyishly charming manner.

“The water is awesome!” he tells us. “Come on in!”

“We’ll just take your word for it,” Rock assures him. Then, he turns to me. “Unless you want to join him.”

“Not a fan of swimming in freezing lakes,” I admit with a chuckle.

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