Page 22 of Her Bears

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He knows that we need to discuss the threat with everyone. We can’t keep it a secret.

“Well, the day after tomorrow then,” she says, sounding a bit disappointed.

I nod this time. We continue talking about irrelevant things, and I can’t help but wonder how long she will be staying with us. It is the wrong thing to focus on right now. I should be thinking about the enemy bear shifter clan, but all my mind can conjure up is Elena’s eyes in the throes of ecstasy. I want to have her in my arms again, but I feel like that might be crossing another boundary.

For the time being, she is here. She is safe. That is all that matters.

Those are the thoughts that follow me that night as I lay in my bed, trying to fall asleep. I almost forgot how difficult it was to fall asleep sometimes, when your mind is too busy with other things.

I wonder what the villagers might think about her becoming my mate. What would Cal think? Or perhaps, we could all… find a way to be together… the three of us.

I frown at the idea at first. It has never crossed my mind before, although it has been done before. Successfully, as well. But that means you have to know other people well. You have to know their souls. Do I know Cal that well? Do I know Elena? Do I know them both well enough to know that all three of us would be equals in this partnership?

I shake my head, thinking that these aren’t the sort of thoughts I should be pondering right now. I should be sleeping, although that seems like an impossible mission. I close my eyes,breathing slowly. I do fall asleep at one point, and all I can dream about is her.

Chapter Eleven


I wake before the break of dawn, as if I planned it that way. I hoped that a good night’s rest would clear things up in my mind, but instead, my mind feels even more restless. I can’t stop thinking about that lake, how I don’t really want to endure those curious gazes and whispers first thing in the morning. Perhaps I could pop over to the lake, take some nice photos, and come back before anyone notices I was even gone. I smile at the thought. It sounds like a perfect idea.

Silently, I slip out of the cottage, careful not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the entire village. It seems that most of them are still asleep, apart from a few people walking by, heading to the dining hall. I stay hidden behind a wall until I can’t hear their voices any longer.

It is still dark, although the sun is slowly coming out. A cool breeze stirs the air around me, carrying the scent of adventure as I navigate the narrow pathways I’m still not familiar with, avoiding the telltale creaks beneath my feet. I successfully reach the inside of the cave, walking outward. The village slowly disappears behind me, as that special moment between day and night embraces me with its hushed stillness. I can hear crickets all around me and the occasional owl’s hoot.

I try to remember what Rock said. He mentioned the east, so that’s where I’m headed. I keep walking slowly, feeling the lake beckon to me. Strangely I’m not scared. Actually, I welcome being alone, away from everyone, hoping that it might put things in perspective. I don’t know how, but maybe…

The forest floor crunches beneath my cautious footsteps. I know this might be dangerous, but I can’t help but feelunwelcome at their village, just like I felt unwelcome in Pinehaven. The cool night air carries the earthy fragrance of pine and damp moss. Wilderness is all around me, and although this is the first time I find myself at a place such as this one, I feel welcome.

Tall stoic trees stand watch, their branches intertwined to create a cover overhead. As I move deeper into the woods, hoping that I am headed in the right direction, shapes start to morph and dance right before my eyes, creating an almost otherworldly atmosphere. I can still hear the chirping of crickets as a backdrop to my solitary journey.

Anticipation heightens with every step, and I squeeze my bag with my camera. Finally, a break in the trees reveals a breathtaking sight. The lake before me is a vast expanse of shimmering water, bathed in the soft glow of the moon. Ripples traverse its surface, catching the celestial reflections. I feel in awe of the sight before me, and I know that I have to take photographs here.

For a moment, I wish that the guys could be here with me. I know Rock mentioned that meeting they would have this morning, so I know that they won’t be able to join me. This sight is too beautiful to be enjoyed on one’s own. But I won’t let that stop me.

Eager to capture the moment, I retrieve my camera from my bag and carefully set it up on a small tripod. The soft clicks and whirs of the camera echo in the quietude of the early morning as I adjust the lens, in an effort to frame the ethereal beauty that reigns around me.

Each snapshot is a moment frozen in time. The interplay of the morning light through the leaves, the delicate dance of shadows on the forest floor, the mirror-like surface of the lake reflecting the heavens above. The shots are pure perfection. I couldn’t have imagined anything more beautiful than this place.

I experiment with long exposures, capturing the movement of the leaves and the subtle ripples on the lake’s surface. The result is a visual symphony, a series of photographs that convey the serenity and mystique of the early morning landscape.

Several hours slip by unnoticed. The tranquility of the morning envelops me like a comforting cloak, but when I turn around in the direction I came from, I see two silhouettes emerging from the shadows. Immediately, my pulse quickens. I remember the two men from Pinehaven, and my mind conjures the most frightening images. I strain to discern the approaching figures, hoping it’s not them.

I think about hiding in the nearby trees, just to be on the safe side, but I decide to remain out in the open. As the figures come closer, a knot of tension tightens in my chest. Finally, I recognize them. The tension in my shoulders eases immediately, and a smile breaks across my face. Their voices are carried by the wind, dispelling the initial fear that gripped me so hard, without any warning.

Rock is the first one to speak. “We’ve been searching the whole village for you.”

Cal, holding two sandwiches in his hand, adds with a grin. “Yeah, we were ready to organize a search party. Good thing we found you before we had to send out the village militia.”

“I was just eager to come and see this lake,” I explain.

“I see,” Cal gestures at the tripod and the camera. “Did you take any good shots?”

“Marvelous ones,” I nod. “The view is truly breathtaking.”

“Did I tell ya?” He winks at me. Then, he offers me the sandwiches.

“Are those for me?” I wonder, accepting the offer.

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