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“I am supposed to,” I said.

She grinned. “Could it be a tall dark Tabiqian that is making you consider extending your stay?”

I answered truthfully. “Yes.” Just one difference. The reason. I needed to get him to read this damn letter I was carrying around in my purse. I needed to always have it with me because I never knew when the right opportunity might present itself.

“I hate to ask this, but does he know how you’re feeling? I mean, I wouldn’t want you to get hurt. But I know from personal experience that vacation flings rarely work out in the long run. And long distance is hell. I was fortunate that Bennett moved to Boston to be with me.”

“I’m sure he did that because he couldn’t picture his life without you,” I said.

She nodded. “But then he got all heavily involved in things here in Tabiq, and we’ve had to spend some longer periods of time apart. With kids, that made it even more difficult,” she said. “There were times I was afraid we wouldn’t make it. That it was too much. And when I wanted to ask him to come home and forget all about Tabiq, I remembered why he was here. And I loved him even more for staying away. I knew it was just as hard on him, if not harder. If things are meant to work between you and Mayson they will. And when the times get hard, remember why you’re together. stay focused on all the good and let go of the bad.”

I smiled. “How many years did you study?” She looked at me puzzled and I added, “Psychology.”

“Never did. I guess time has taught me.”

“Time has a way of teaching us all things. I know I’ve learned more about myself than I ever imagined by caring for others. And even in the short time here in Tabiq, I’ve found there still are things I am yet to learn.”Like how to heal from a broken heart because I am surely going to have one after this.

“And I think you have a lot to teach Mayson too. I hope he’s to it,” she said.

That was the ultimate question.

“Zoey, I really could use a friend here. Someone I can talk to honestly and not have to worry about it getting shared with anyone else.”

“Are you asking me if you can trust me?” she asked.

I nodded. “I know I’m asking a lot, but I have something I need to say, and I can’t risk anyone else knowing.”

“You mean, my husband,” she said. I nodded. “Crystal, I can promise you that I won’t share anything with him, but if I feel that someone’s life is in danger, I will tell him.” There was nothing about her tone that made me doubt that for a second.

My heart was pounding, and I was beginning to second-guess myself. Was I doing the right thing? Anya told me not to talk to anyone. That no one could be trusted. Yet she trusted me. And I was trusting my gut.

“It’s trip here.”

“You mean your vacation?” she said.

“Well. It’s kind of a vacation. I really haven’t had one in years, but that wasn’t my reason for coming here.”

“Are you sure you want to share this with me?” she asked.

Just the fact that she was giving me an out made me want to tell her even more. “Yes. It’s just I’m not sure where to start.”

“Well, no one is expecting me back home for a few hours, so how about at the beginning?” she suggested.

“You know that I’m a private nurse?” I said.

“Yes. questioning if that is true now, but that is what I believed. What we all believed,” she said.

“That is true. I have been working for the same woman for the past three years.”And here is where the rest of the story gets difficult.“It’s the woman I work for that sent me here.”

“Why Tabiq?” she asked.

“She was born here.”

“I see. And now she lives in the States. But she must be very old for you to be her caregiver,” she said.

“She is fifty-eight. To me, that’s young for someone in her health condition. But after the life she has lived, I understand why.”

“What I don’t understand is why someone so sick would send the one person who is taking care of them halfway around the world,” Zoey said.

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