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That only caused Raya to cry even harder.Looks like you’re a lot of help.

“Why don’t you guys go in the house? Raya and I will be inside in a few minutes,” Crystal suggested.

She didn’t have to tell me twice. On my way in, I ushered Kathy along with me who wasn’t thrilled about leaving Raya’s side. Once inside with the door closed, she had no problem letting me have it.

“I don’t know who you think you are, but Raya’s my best friend. I should be with her,” she snarled.

“Maybe what is going on is not something she wants to talk to either of us about.”

“We tell each other everything,” she stated firmly.

I looked at Kathy and asked, “Then why don’t you know why she’s crying?” She didn’t say anything, just glared at me. “Right now, she needs Crystal. Let’s give them some space.”

“She has me. Why does she need Crystal?”

This wasn’t going to be easy to hear, but it was the truth. “Because sometimes you just need someone to listen to you, and you’re never quite enough for anyone to be able to do that.”

“That’s not very nice to say. I love Raya. I’d never hurt her,” she said angrily.

“Never said you would. But you will just have to trust me. Crystal isn’t out to hurt her either. She’s a nurse. Caring for someone is what she does,” I said.Not what she expected to be doing tonight, but at least she won’t regret being here.

“She’s a nurse? How come I didn’t know that?” Kathy asked. Before I answered, she said, “Because I talked so much that she never got a chance to tell me. Guess you made your point. So, what are we supposed to do while they are outside? Listen at the window?”

I hoped she was joking, but with Kathy, I wasn’t sure. “How about...have a beer in the kitchen?” I suggested.Away from the windows.

She didn’t argue and followed me to the kitchen, laughing. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk?”

“Positive,” I said, opening the refrigerator. I grabbed two beers and handed her one. Then sat at the kitchen table.

She sat down across from me and said, “I know you said to trust you, but I’m worried. I haven’t seen Raya breakdown like that in many years.”

“When was the last time?” I asked.

“When her ex-husband left her and Joey for another woman. It crushed her.”

“Wow. I had no idea what happened to their relationship. The guy is an asshole. Do you think she’s worried that Orion will cheat on her? Because I know for a fact, he’s not that kind of guy,” I stated firmly.

“She knows that. I think it’s more about her. I mean, even though the failed marriage was not her fault, she said she still feels guilt. As though if she had tried harder, it would’ve worked.”

“You mean she still wants to be married to that jerk?” I questioned.

“God, no. But no one likes a failed marriage. In the back of your mind, you can’t help but wonder if you had done something wrong, even though we know that’s not the case with Raya,” she explained.

“And what does Orion being late, have to do with her crying now?” I asked.

“Probably nothing. And with any luck, Crystal will tell you what they talked about when you bring her back to the resort later. And then you can tell me,” Kathy said giving her usual mischievous smile.

Somehow, I knew Crystal wasn’t going to share any of their conversation with me. I wasn’t even going to bother asking. “I think the best thing we can do when they come back inside, is pretend like nothing happened.”

“That’s such a guy thing. You never want to talk about difficult things.”

“Sometimes not talking is better than rehashing everything and fighting all over again,” I reminded her.

“You think Orion and Raya are fighting?” she asked.

“No. I think it’s just as Crystal said. Wedding jitters.”

And this is why I don’t want to get married. It doesn’t look like any fun at all.

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