Page 4 of Knockout Bachelor

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“Mr. Giampietro, you don’t even know if I’m married or not,” I stated.

“You don’t have a ring,” he replied.

And you’ve looked.

I would like to say that I hadn’t noticed anything about him, but that wasn’t true at all. He had no ring, a physique that screamed underwear model, and a face that said that he wasn’t someone to be messed with.

“My marital status has nothing to do with my offer to treat you. If you have a concussion, you shouldn’t be alone. Do you have anyone at home to watch over you for the next twenty-four hours?”

He cocked a brow. “Now you want to spend the night with me? Wow. “

“I find none of this funny. At all,” I snapped. “I’m speaking to you as a professional. That’s it.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry. I guess you caught me off guard. I mean, I wasn’t expecting to see a sexy doctor in the alley carrying wood. Especially not alone. Do you know how dangerous it is? You’re lucky that the only thing that happened was you almost knocking me out.”

Sexy?I hadn’t been called that in a few years. It felt nice. But I knew what I looked like after a long day at work. Heck, I probably smelled like a dog, because I had to wrestle a few of them to administer their shots. And I was positive that I hadplenty of dog fur on my uniform as well. Maybe he was just teasing me, hoping I would back off and retract my offer to take him home.

Sorry, Mr. Giampietro. It didn’t work.

I hadn’t realized I was still holding his hand. Quickly I released it and swore I heard him chuckle softly. At least the trauma didn’t affect his sense of humor.

“It seems that we are in agreement,” I said.

“We are?” he questioned.

Nodding I said, “That hit on your head is more serious than you were making it out to be. You did state that I practicallyknockedyou out. Correct?” I was proud of myself for using his own words on him.

He sighed. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re pushy?”

“I’m a doctor. I deal with facts. And I’m not pushy. I’m caring. There is a huge difference.”Kind of.

“That’s what you call it. Okay. Well, I’m starving and I have steaks waiting for me at home. If you want to come, you’re welcome. But I’m leaving. Now,” he said.

“Fine. I’ll come. But can you wait for a minute? I need to finish doing what I was here for. Putting that wood in the dumpers. I don’t want anyone stepping on it because there are exposed nails,” I stated.

“Nails? Damn, I guess I am lucky.” He shook his head and walked past me. Picking up the 2x4 he looked at the nails, “Oh yeah. I’m lucky. I don’t think we would be having this conversation if you hadn’t hit me with the flat side of the wood instead.”

He was right. If even one of those long nails had made contact, it would’ve penetrated the skull and possibly killed him. If he did survive, he never would’ve been the same. Not with the location of his injury.

The fact that I could’ve killed a man because I was over-tired and not aware of my surroundings, shook me to the core. It didn’t matter if it was an accident. I still would’ve been at fault. And he would’ve been the one to pay the price.

Never again.

If I were that tired, I would sleep at the clinic for a few hours. And if work outside needed to be done, it would also need to wait until I could do it.

I didn’t get a chance to respond and apologize again before he tossed the wood into the dumpster. When he turned back to face me, I instantly noticed fresh red blood coming from the wound. It was concerning that even just bending and stretching was enough to cause it to start bleeding again.

“Mr. Giampietro, please let me bring you to my clinic. It’s just next door. You’re bleeding again, and I don’t want you to pass out.” I used a professional tone, but inside, I was a wreck.

He reached up and with the back of his hand, he wiped the blood away. “Like I said, I have stuff to stop it. Now whether you are coming or not, I’m not staying in the alley all day. I’m hot and sweaty.”And bloody.“And I really need a shower if you haven’t noticed.”

You need more than just a shower. You need medical attention.

“I’m coming.” I wasn’t happy about this, but at least I would know he was okay and if he wasn’t, I would be there to help. That’s what mattered.

We walked out to the other side of the alley where I saw his Jeep. I reached out and said, “I’ll drive.”

“It’s a stick shift,” he stated.

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