Page 25 of Knockout Bachelor

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“What are you doing today? I mean, are you busy for the next few hours?” I shook my head. “How does brunch sound?”

“I am hungry,” I replied. “But that call sounded as though you have plans already. We are going out for breakfast tomorrow, aren’t we?”

“Yes. Nothing has changed about tomorrow, but I need to meet my parents for brunch and was wondering if you would like to join us.”

Meet your parents?I tried thinking back to any man I’d dated and couldn’t recall ever meeting anyone’s parents. Then again, I never brought one home to meet mine either.

“I don’t want to intrude.”

“Sydney, if you were, I wouldn’t have invited you.”

I had no idea why he was asking me, but there was only one way to find out. “Okay. I’d love to join you.” We got into my Smart car, and I asked, “Where are we headed?”

He gave me the address and I put it into my GPS. It was in a part of Boston that I wasn’t familiar with. It said that we were twenty minutes away. That gave us time to chat.

“Did you put ice on that cut?” I asked, hoping he would tell me how it happened.

“My mother did last night.”

Okay. That was something. His mother knew what happened. “Well at least I am not the one who caused that injury,” I said.

He chuckled. “No. Not as bad as your hit.”

His eye said differently. I wanted him to elaborate but he didn’t. “Well, I hope you’re keeping it clean.”

“Yes, Dr. Swoony. I am keeping it clean.”

“I’m sorry. Bad habit. You don’t need me telling you what to do. I just wouldn’t want to get infected.”

“And you’re not used to your patients talking back,” he laughed.

“Oh yes, I am. But they just don’t speak human. I get barks, meows, scratches, and nips. All their different ways of telling me to knock it off,” I explained. “Not sure which I prefer.”

“I promise not to nip you. And if I do, it won’t be hard,” he said, giving me a wink.

A shudder ran through me. I didn’t miss the sexual innuendo. If we weren’t about to have brunch with his parents, I might have a few of my own. But I didn’t want to be thinking about where I would like his lips to be on me. Not over breakfast. This talk will need to wait until tomorrow. And I wasn’t even sure it should take place then. There was something he wasn’t telling me, and I couldn’t figure out what it was. Since he was letting me meet his parents, I knew for a fact that he wasn’t married. That could be crossed off the list. Didn’t think he was a criminal either. Maybe I should do some digging tonight. Or maybe I’ll learn what I need over brunch.

We pulled up to the diner and I could see a couple standing outside waiting. Cameron turned to me and said, “Not to make you nervous, but my mother might ask you a bunch of questions.Once she finds out you’re a vet, she is going to talk your ear off. She is a volunteer for a cat rescue and an avid animal lover.”

I smiled. “I like her already.” I was hoping that we could talk more about Cameron, but I was weak, and I knew once we started talking about animals, it was going to be difficult to stop.

I wonder if that is what you planned all along.

Sure enough, brunch was spent talking about her volunteer work in Ohio. But I did learn a few things about Cameron that surprised me. Like the fact that the apartment he was staying in wasn’t his. It belonged to Chris, his older brother. Why hadn’t he told me that before? Heck, I was in the apartment, and he never said a word. Did he think he needed that to impress me? I hope not, because it didn’t. But maybe that was what he’d been keeping from me. I had tried getting him to talk about his career, but he had avoided that as well. Maybe he lived with his brother because he was unemployed and couldn’t afford his own place. I knew I was speculating , but it was a logical guess.

I learned that Cameron not only wasn’t married, but he had no children, and his mother was tired of waiting to be a grandparent. She even asked if I wanted any and how many. Cameron’s eyes had been as wide as mine. I had no idea how to answer her, and thankfully the waitress had returned with her own set of questions and our topic went unanswered.

Sorry, Mrs. Giampietro. We haven’t even had a date. Children are not a conversation we need to have. Not yet at least. Maybe not ever if tomorrow doesn’t go well.

The invite for brunch had been unexpected, but I had hoped that we could spend a little time alone afterwards. But his mother wanted to do some sightseeing and insisted that Cameron join them. She suggested I come along, but I thought it was best that they had some time alone with their son.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips before I slipped into my car. The entire ride home, all I could think about washow quickly things seemed to be going with Cameron. Granted, Amanda would debate that and would say that I was moving at a snail's pace, but for me, this was fast. It scared me a little, but one thing I knew was that I didn’t want to slow it down.

Tomorrow either we take a step backward, or I stop being afraid and overthinking this. And leap forward.

Since I had the rest of the day to myself, I wasn’t going to stress about it. Or at least I was going to give that a try. But Cameron has been nothing but a distraction. Not that I was complaining, but I was one who like to plan, to know what was coming next, and from the moment I met Cameron, life has been one surprise after another.


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