Page 29 of Amazing Grace

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“She did mention that Albert Herves was cheating on her with a girl named Bridget McBain. Maybe we should talk to her,” Molly said.

“I think we need to quit fooling around and go straight to the top and have a conversation with Albert Herves,” Grace said.

“Sheriff Maverick isn’t going to like it if she hears about it,” Emily warned. “Plus, Albert Herves is a pretty powerful guy. You need to be careful.”

“Maybe we should talk to Bridget McBain first. She might be able to give us some insight into Herves,” Molly said.

Grace nodded. It sounded reasonable. “Okay. Tomorrow, we’ll go talk to Bridget McBain. I also want to talk to Sheriff Maverick and find out what’s going on with my maze.”

Chapter 12

After breakfast the next morning, Grace placed a phone call to Sheriff Maverick. She was surprised when the dispatch patched her through.

“This is Sheriff Maverick.”

“Sheriff, this is Grace Conroy. I was wondering if there’s been any progress on the Prada murder, and what the story is with the field where my maze is located.”

“Ah, Grace. I was going to call you this week. I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation — you must know that — but I did speak with the owner of the field. He’s not crazy about having the maze on his property anymore. He’s afraid.”

Grace groaned. “We have a contract.”

Maverick clucked her tongue. “I know, and I’m sure your lawyers can make him comply with it. But we’re a small town here, Grace. A little goodwill goes a long way.”

Grace heaved a sigh. “Well, I guess there won’t be a maze for Halloween this year, not unless I can come up with another solution. Thanks, Sheriff. I’ll make arrangements for the maze to be taken down and hauled away. Oh, by the way, am I cleared to leave town yet? I do have a business in Denver I need to tend to.”

“Is it absolutely necessary that you leave?”

Grace hemmed and hawed a bit. “No. I can video chat with my board of directors if need be.”

“It would be appreciated.” Maverick cleared her throat. “Not that I think you or Molly had anything to do with the murder. I think you were both exactly where you say you were— asleep in your beds. But if questions should arise, it would be easier if Molly was still in town.”

“What makes you think Molly would be with me?” Grace asked.

“Grace, again, this is a small town. Nothing stays secret here for long.”

Except for the names of those who try to kill you and the ones who successfully murder other people,Grace thought. “Any word on who hit my truck and sent Molly and me to the hospital?”

“No. We’re still working on it, though. It’s going to be tough with no leads, Grace.” Maverick sighed. “I need to go. I’ll let you know if we learn anything.”

Grace looked at her phone as if the blank screen might hold answers to her questions, then slipped it into her pocket.

“Anything new?” Molly asked.

“Nope. Nada.” Grace took in a deep, calming breath. “The farmer who owns the field where I build the maze every year no longer wants the maze put there. He’s afraid after the murder. I can legally hold him to the contract we signed, but doing that would make me look like an asshole to the town.”

“Oh, no! What are you going to do? Is there another field you can rent?”

“I doubt it. No one will want to rent to the Murder Maze Lady.”

Molly giggled. “You know, if it wasn’t for the fact that therewasa murder in your maze, that would be a cool name for you to use when you build your maze.”

Grace grinned. “It kind of would be, wouldn’t it? I may use it anyway.”

“So, what do we do today, boss lady?” Molly asked.

“Stay in bed and make love all day?”

“Don’t tempt me. What are wereallygoing to do?”

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