Page 12 of Amazing Grace

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Officer Padgett blinked. “Looking for? Murderers? Ladies, are you talking about the body we found at the maze? These two women reported the body. Yes, they’re persons of interest, but only until we check out their alibis. They aren’t under arrest. Put the knife downnow.” He turned to Molly and Grace. “What are you two doing here?”

“I live here. Or I used to. Seems like I’m unwelcome now. I just wanted to get my things,” Molly retorted. “We didn’t break in, either. I have my key.”

Deputy Aldridge was quiet until then. “Maybe we should bring them in. Sheriff Maverick is very interested in the two of them.”

Deputy Padgett shook his head. “They are not suspects, just persons of interest. Unless we find evidence that they’re connected to the murder, they are free. All we ask is that they don’t leave town.” He turned to Vickie and Samantha. “And you two should stop listening to rumors and making snap judgments. It could end up getting you in trouble.”

He turned to Grace and Molly. “Go ahead and get your things. We’ll wait here for you to make sure there are no more misunderstandings.”

“Thank you, Officer,” Molly mumbled. She was still shaking with what Grace assumed was anger. Molly stalked into one of the back bedrooms and could be heard banging around, slamming drawers and closet doors, and soon returned with a duffle bag and a small valise. “This is it. Everything I own.”

“How do we know she didn’t take something that belongs to us?” Vickie asked, scowling at Molly.

“How many of your possessions do you usually keep in your roommate’s room?” Deputy Padgett asked. “What specifically?”

“Well, um…” Vickie stuttered.

“I mean there are things…:” Samantha put in.

“What things?” Padgett asked.

“Just…things,” Samantha mumbled.

Padgett turned to Molly. “Are you sure you have everything? By law, you are still a resident of this apartment, but I would suggest,” he cast a side eye at Samantha and Vickie, “because of the animosity here, that you do not return without an escort. I would also suggest you contact the landlord to be taken off the lease.”

He pointed at Samantha and Vickie. “And you two don’t get to decide who is guilty and who is innocent unless you are officially on a jury. Don’t spread malicious rumors. It’ll only come back to bite you.”

“Thank you, Officer,” Molly said. She was clearly shaken, and angry, and Grace didn’t blame her one bit. Grace was shaken and angry on her behalf.

“Let’s go, Molly.” Grace took the valise from Molly’s hand. “We’ve stayed in this cesspit long enough.”


They drove back to Zoe and Emily’s house. Molly was tense and angry, frustrated and clearly frightened. “What am I going to do? It’s not like I can afford to get another apartmentwithout roommates.” She gasped and then turned pale. “What if I lose my job? Rumors are already flying. What will I do if I get fired?”

“Don’t worry about things that haven’t happened yet. And if youdoget fired, don’t worry. Emily and Zoe won’t mind if you stay with me until you get on your feet again.” Grace patted Molly on the leg.

Grace smiled, and it was the first time she’d felt like smiling since they’d been questioned by the police. “Something good came out of all this, you know.”

“What’s that? I can’t imagine anything good coming out of that train wreck.”

“We learned that Ginny Windom lost money in investments she made with Albert Herves and Jeremy. Losing your life savings could be a motive for murder, couldn’t it? I’m not saying she did it, but I am saying we now have two “people of interest” of our own that we can talk to.”

They pulled up in front of the Victorian owned by Zoe and Emily and parked in the spacious driveway.

They knocked, not having a key, and were let in by Zoe. She looked worried.

Grace caught on quickly. “What’s happened now?” she asked as they stepped into the house.

“There was a phone call for Molly.” Zoe sighed and threaded her fingers into her hair. “It came on my phone. I don’t know what they wanted, but it was one of the managers from the Whitewater. They asked if you were staying here, and said they want you to call them back as soon as possible. The number is written on a pad on the desk.”

“I got a phone call while we were at the apartment. I didn’t even look to see who it was — I just sent it to voicemail.” Molly took out her phone and looked at the recent call log. “It was the Whitewater.”

Grace frowned. “How did they know she was staying here? I swear, small towns are conduits for gossip and rumors.”

Meanwhile, Molly was listening to her voicemail. She thumbed the end button. “They just said they need to speak to me as soon as possible. I’m getting fired, I just know it!”

“Don’t freak out. They’re really nice people, according to Zoe and Emily. We talked about this. Just call them back and get it over with,” Grace urged. She patted Molly on the arm. “It’s going to be okay.”

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