Page 62 of Savage Peril

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Chapter 20

The last night at the mansion, Lori hadn’t slept well. She had tossed and turned, worrying about what to do. Gunner had been awake, too. When he held Lori in his strong arms, enemies hadn’t seemed to exist—yet they were very real.

But staying out of sight hadn’t fixed her disastrous life. Since her father’s death, everything had fallen apart, and she didn’t know how to make things right. She didn’t know who had murdered her father and struggled to keep faith that she would find out.

Gunner’s love was a bright spot. But Lori couldn’t have the permanent relationship she wanted. Too much was still unresolved. And with a murderer free, Lori wasn’t safe. She couldn’t put out of her mind that she might be next.

That morning, Lori had gone to the clinic early. Gunner had walked her into the lobby then assured her that the surveillance team was in place. If she had to go anyplace, one of the team would escort her.

Gunner kissed her, and Lori nearly asked him to stay—but she refused to be that weak. The only way out was to take control, but she was at a loss on how to do that.

She handled patient files and replied to emails while she waited for the staff to arrive. Jess called, and it was good to hear a friendly voice.

“Where have you been?”

“I thought Wyatt told you,” Lori said.

“He said you went away for the weekend,” Jess said. “I figured that part out. But after what happened, I was worried.”

“I can’t explain why I was followed,” Lori said. “Whoever it was has disappeared for now. I can’t tell you not to worry…I’m worried. But I was with Gunner all weekend.”

“I was going to ask if you wanted to stay with us,” Jess said. “But you got a better deal.”

“I have the best protection I could hope for,” Lori said. “But I’m still nervous.”

“Who wouldn’t be?” Jess shared news about her weekend, and said that she had calmed down since the frightening chase. “After all, the bad guys weren’t after me.”

“It’s probably best if you don’t hang out with me until this is over.”

While Lori was on the phone, the staff had arrived. Her patients would start to arrive, and she needed to focus. Matt was probably in his office, and she hoped he stayed there. Before she got up, another call came in. It was Sheldon with a lunch invitation, which she accepted. Lori hadn’t talked to him since the meeting at the attorney’s office and felt like she’d neglected him.

The morning went smoothly, and Matt interacted with the administrative staff but left Lori alone. She looked forward to lunch and getting away from the clinic. When Sheldon arrived to pick her up, Lori met him in the lobby. She gave him a quick hug then linked arms to walk him out.

“You seem in a hurry,” Sheldon said.

“I have to be back for my afternoon patients.”

When Lori was in Sheldon’s Lexus, she told him the truth. “I’m being extra careful. There’s no need for you to be around the clinic more than necessary.”

Sheldon started the car and pulled out of the lot. “I heard about what happened Friday.”

“Who told you?”

“I couldn’t reach you, so I called Adam. I assumed he would know where you’d gone.”

“He was around on Friday, when Jess and I got back from lunch.”

“I heard,” Sheldon said. “I’m concerned for your safety.”

“I should tell you that one of the Stealth team members is following us,” Lori said. “He won’t intrude but will keep an eye on me until I return to the clinic.”

“Gunner’s idea?”

“Yes, he won’t let anything happen to me.”

That seemed to satisfy Sheldon. He drove to an elegant restaurant not far from the clinic, and assured Lori that he would get her back to work promptly. The restaurant was dimly lit with candles on the linen-covered tables.

Sheldon had reserved a place in the back corner. It was a booth with high backs. “This will give us privacy, so we’ll have a chance to talk.”

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