Page 65 of Deadly Peril

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Chapter 20

Thaddeus had kept things under control until law enforcement arrived and Roston Vang was secured in the police car. He’d be charged with conspiracy to commit murder. With the perpetrator in custody, it shouldn’t be difficult to backtrack and put together a solid case.

It had been a rough few weeks. But the ordeal was over, and Jana was safe.

That was satisfying for Thaddeus, yet he didn’t experience the relief he’d anticipated. Rescuing a client had been rewarding. But Jana was more than a client, even more than a friend. She meant everything to him.

The danger had passed, so it was time to move on to the next assignment. Thaddeus had texted the office that the situation had been resolved, so he was available for a new client. But he didn’t feel ready.

Once he was on the plane, headed back to L.A., it would be fine. He needed to regain his focus and return to his life. Only his life wasn’t what it had been.

Thaddeus tried to get his head around what he faced—a life without Jana. He wouldn’t see her again. That would only make things more difficult.

Wishing he was a different guy, had a different personality, or was more suited for her didn’t help. He was still going to be in another city, so that Jana’s life could return to normal.

The trouble with the situation was that life as Thaddeus had known it no longer existed. He’d fallen in love. But having done so, Jana’s happiness came first—so he was leaving.

Thaddeus packed up his gear then grabbed his suitcase. He looked around the room, missing it already. It had been good to be so close to Jana. But that was over.

He didn’t know if he should say something and didn’t know how to behave. He had no idea what was expected.

Jana hadn’t come to him since that final incident. She’d been her lovely self, caring and considerate. Yet Thaddeus wished for a bit more spunk. He preferred the bickering and her high-and-mighty attitude. That was Jana. All this nice behavior made him feel like she didn’t care a whit.

And why should she?

Sure, Jana had said she loved him. But that had been after sex. Who wasn’t in love at that moment? It didn’t mean she still cared. Thaddeus didn’t expect that. He was a realist—always had been.

Eva was waiting in the living room and stood when he entered. “Thaddeus…I can’t thank you enough.”

“You’ve already thanked me, several times. It was my pleasure, Eva.”

Eva had tears in her eyes. “You’re a good man. We’re going to miss you.”

She gave Thaddeus a hug and he hugged her back. “Okay, I’ll be on my way, then.”

When Thaddeus turned to go, he saw Jana standing in the doorway.

“I didn’t want you to go without saying goodbye.” Jana smiled, but it seemed stiff. “I just… I don’t know how to express my gratitude.”

Thaddeus was tongue-tied.

“Well…I hope life treats you well.” Jana reached out to shake his hand.

Christ, this was worse than he’d imagined. Parting was like a knife to the gut. And all Jana offered was a handshake. Thaddeus took her hand, but held it a bit too long. He didn’t want to let go, but he wasn’t about to make a fool of himself.

“Take care.” Thaddeus made a quick exit, unable to endure another second, as his heart ripped apart.


Jana’s eyes filled with tears. She dropped to the sofa next to her grandmother and sobbed.

Eva patted her back. “My dear…”

It was utterly embarrassing. Jana had known all along that she had no ties to Thaddeus. Her heart just wouldn’t listen. She was crushed.

Leaning back, she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. “What am I going to do now?”

Eva held her granddaughter’s hand. “Go after him, that’s what.”

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