Page 55 of Deadly Peril

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Chapter 16

The finish line was a buzz of excitement. Even though the public hadn’t been allowed in, there were plenty of spectators. Supporters, friends, and family shouted as though the competitors could hear. The sun had peeked through the bank of clouds, and rays shimmered across the snowy slopes.

Jana spotted Coley in the distance. Her skintight blue and white racing suit stood out, as did her recognizable style on the skis. She appeared strong and confident as she crested the top, then barreled toward the finish.

While Jana watched, Thaddeus kept his arm around her. He was sticking closer than before, and she didn’t mind. She leaned against him. This was an important day, a big deal for her. The previous afternoon, she’d received notice that the patent on the microchip would soon be finalized.

All that remained was the field test to give Jana the confidence to market the new product. It meant so much, and not only to her. The distribution of the microchip was important to her ski company, which meant it was important to her grandmother.

Eva hadn’t mentioned anything about that. She was tough and didn’t faint at signs of trouble. But Jana hadn’t confided in her that the business was shaky. She hadn’t wanted to burden her grandmother, since she was the only one who could do something about it.

That had been her aim all along. It had been the reason she’d earned her engineering degree. The retail business was highly competitive, so the future was unpredictable. Jana had wanted a backup, a hedge on the future. In school, she hadn’t known what that would be.

But when Jana had taken over running the ski shop, she’d been immersed in the sport again. She particularly enjoyed the competitions for youth. And an idea had come to her. Years later, that idea was about to become a reality.

If the product didn’t function as intended, Jana would have to make adjustments or start over. She didn’t anticipate that, but there were no guarantees. Yet if all went well, she could move into the marketing and advertising phases.

The adrenaline had worn off, and Jana was shaken, feeling the effects of the scare she’d had. It was reassuring to have Thaddeus standing next to her, like a tower of strength. The ski sabotage had been awful, and the timing bad. On the morning when success was at her fingertips, danger had found her. While she attempted to enter into the spirit of the event, her attention wandered to the looming threat.

The crowd cheered then Jana saw the competitors streaming down the hill. Coley was in the lead, but that didn’t tell the complete story. The event hadn’t been organized with the strongest competitors. The others were there to pace Coley and create a realistic race environment.

Coley was racing against herself, striving for a good time in the event. It appeared that she was giving it all she had. Her knees were bent with her poles held horizontal against her sides. Her tinted goggles covered her eyes while she sliced into the wind, speeding downhill.

Then Coley reached the bottom and glided across the flat area. Cross-country and the biathlon were extremely challenging. The physical demands were impossible to describe unless experienced, which Jana had. It was common for the competitors to collapse on the snow at the finish line.

Jana ran over, pushing past a couple of bystanders. Coley was breathing hard, then she fell onto the snow on her back with her skis angled to the side. Michael dropped onto his knees beside her, glowing with pride.

When Jana stood close, Coley looked up at her then grinned. Through heavy breathing, she said, “That thing is awesome!”

Thaddeus and Michael helped her up then assisted her to get out of the skis. Coley’s breathing had calmed, but she looked exhausted. Jana followed them into the lodge, ignoring the crowd praising the other competitors as each reached the finish.

Michael carried Coley inside where she’d left her warm boots. It seemed to be the day for being carried. Once seated she stripped off gear: the goggles, hat, gloves, and scarf were tossed on the table. Coley accepted a hot drink, then took a deep breath.

“You looked great out there,” Jana said.

Coley held the cup in both hands and grinned. “That was exhilarating. I’d practiced with that device before, but using it in a live competition was so different.”

Jana hung on every word.

“That fight to stay calm in order to shoot a rifle…how we have to withstand the mental stress of shooting during cross-country racing…” Coley spoke in an excited tone, and Jana was anxious to hear about every detail.

“Your little thing worked.” Coley grinned, and patted the collar of her ski jacket where the microchip had been inserted. “Dammit, it worked!”

Jana listened while Coley described how it had felt. The biofeedback device that she’d practiced with then worn during the event had functioned like magic. “I was able to calm my heart rate, which gave me a crucial edge.”

Thaddeus watched, and Jana caught the gleam in his eyes. He appeared to be as pleased as she was. The trial had been a success. She could move ahead. With Coley’s experience so positive, Jana would take the device to more beta testers. But she predicted the outcome would be good, so it wouldn’t be long before the product would be on the market.


After the event, Jana went home. She didn’t feel like celebrating, so told Coley she’d take a rain check. Michael was happy to party with his wife, so no explanation was needed. Bowing out didn’t even raise an eyebrow.

Jana hadn’t told her friend about the near-death incident. It would have put a damper on the excitement. Coley had been her greatest supporter over the years, with faith that the invention would work.

It warmed Jana’s heart to see Coley’s joy at the success. At least one of them could celebrate. On the drive home, gloom settled over her. She turned to Thaddeus. “The win was anticlimactic after what happened earlier.”

Thaddeus nodded.

“I just want to get home, lock the doors, and regroup.” Jana watched the snowy scenery roll by, but her mind was elsewhere.

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