Page 15 of Deadly Peril

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It was best to keep a low profile, so Thaddeus didn’t stand by the door like a security guard. He mingled with the clerks and studied the gear on sale. The morning went by quickly, and before noon, Alton came out to go to his car. “If you need anything, Thad, please let me know.”

“I appreciate that.” So far, Thaddeus had been treated like a visitor or guest, not his role at all. “I can take care of things. You don’t need to be concerned.” Judging by how Alton took that in stride, Jana must have told him about his bodyguard status.

A few minutes later, Jana emerged from her office. “I’m starving, how about you?”

“I could eat.”

Something about that seemed to tickle her. “So I’ve noticed.” She waved at the clerk. “I’ll be out for lunch.”

She stepped outside and zipped up her jacket. “I suppose bodyguarding includes lunchtime.”

“It’s twenty-four/seven.”

“I assumed as much,” Jana said. “Well, it would be embarrassing to have you standing around watching me. I’m known in this area; people would wonder.” She looked up at him. “I think you’ll have to sit at the table with me.”

“That’s probably best.”

Jana chose a nearby café that was close enough to walk to. It was standard fare and the décor was appropriate for the ski area. The walls were polished wood and the floor was made of planks. Even the tables and chairs were wooden.

The establishment was cozy and warm. The customers appeared to be locals, from the way they had seemed to settle in. Thaddeus ushered Jana to a table at the back, so it was easier to keep an eye on the place. It wasn’t a social occasion, as much as it might feel like one.

Jana picked up a menu. “This isn’t a date, so I’ll cover my meal.” She looked up. “Am I supposed to buy yours?”

“That’s not required. I’m covered for expenses.”

“Can I say that this is weird?”

Thaddeus raised his eyebrows.

“I mean, I’ve eaten here a lot. But not with a man who looks like…”

“Who looks like what?”

“Nothing, forget it,” Jana said. “I was just trying to say that I don’t know bodyguard protocol. I’m not used to having another person with me wherever I go.”

“Just do what you’d normally do. Forget I’m here.”

Jana grinned. “Uh huh.”


Then she laughed, which made Thaddeus laugh, even though he didn’t know what he was laughing about. He supposed being together did feel like a date. Although it shouldn’t have. He’d eaten with clients before and it hadn’t been a problem.

Yet it was different with Jana. He was attracted to her, despite his best effort at suppressing the feeling. But he wouldn’t let it interfere. He was a professional, there to protect her. It didn’t matter that she was gorgeous and that when she looked at him with those green eyes, he melted.

Thaddeus wouldn’t allow her to perceive anything but a client/bodyguard relationship. That shouldn’t be difficult. After all, on deployment he’d honed the skill of masking emotion, even submerging it so far that it didn’t exist. He was a pro at that.

So why was being with Jana so disconcerting?

Maybe it was her forthright manner. It was disarming. Thaddeus would have to strengthen his emotional barrier. Yet when she’d laughed, he’d wanted to hug her. He’d wanted to sweep her into his arms and carry her away. He’d wanted to…

That was enough. “I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable,” Thaddeus said. “I’ll try to fade into the background, so you won’t even know I’m here.”

Jana’s eyes sparkled. “I doubt that.”

The rest of lunch proceeded in a similar vein. It shouldn’t have felt like a date, but it did. The burgers, fries, and Cokes were served, which gave Thaddeus a reprieve from talking. But it didn’t subdue his body’s reaction to being around Jana.

Jana chatted about work, skiing, friends, and anything else that came to mind. Thaddeus envied her for being able to talk so easily. Fortunately, she didn’t demand that he reciprocate. She seemed pleased for him to listen and appear interested.

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