Page 8 of Robby

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Singing was never one of his favorite pastimes, but he’d run through Piedmont Park in a chicken suit to make his son laugh. Being Jimmy’s father was the most important, most rewarding, thing in his life. “Old MacDonald had a farm.”

Jimmy joined in with an off key “ee-i-ee-i-oh.”

He’d have enough time to get through all of Jimmy’s favorite animals between here and home.

Then, he needed a plan.

No problem.

Tomorrow, he’d bring Jimmy to the drop-in church daycare while he went to work. He was low on diapers, but if Patty didn’t show up to take the baby back, he could pick up some more at Walmart. Maybe some of those puffed rice treats Jimmy liked so much. Their baby department was a one-stop shop.

Too bad he could never find what he needed most on a store shelf. Something to bring back the woman who used to be his best friend.

Chapter THREE


Matt’s stomach rumbled when he woke up, but he only had time to grab a granola bar before his quick rinse in the shower. He’d set his alarm early and skipped his morning workout, but he had to keep a brisk pace. It would take an extra thirty minutes just to bring Jimmy to daycare before work.

Thank God, Kim, the lady who ran the place, had a soft spot for his mom. Kim’s mother had been a patient at the nursing home where Matt's mom worked, and Kim said Mrs. York had gone above and beyond in taking care of her. Finding a good daycare was hard enough; finding a good place willing to take drop-ins was even harder.

He’d lain in the bed the night before, staring blankly at theFarscapeaction figures on top of his dresser, trying to plot out a plan to find some extra money, not only for his custody fight, but to help out his mom. The nursing home had never paid well, and she had let go of her second job a few weeks back. At her age, forty hours a week was hard enough; sixty was out of the question. Only now, without the extra income, she struggled to make ends meet.

His mom had supported him on her own his entire life. Now he needed to step up for her.

Jimmy played with some plastic blocks in his playpen as Matt toweled off, the baby’s happy babbling the only sound in the quiet bedroom.

His toes dug into the soft rug next to the bed for a moment before he slipped on his boxer briefs and khakis. He loved his apartment, but maybe it was a luxury to have his own place right now. Maybe he should move back in with his mom for a while and help her with the bills.

He shut down the line of thought as quickly as it came. He’d need this place if he ever wanted a chance for custody. His mom had made it very clear, no matter how much she had his back in everything else, she’d never be a part him trying to “snatch that baby away from his mother.” Too many years as a single mom gave her a huge blind spot. Besides, a judge would never take him seriously if it looked like he couldn’t support himself on his own.

No. What he needed to do was earn some more money, which meant taking on a second job, maybe even the bartending thing Robby had suggested.

A stack of diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes went into Jimmy’s bag. If he hurried, he could get to Little Darlings before they served the kids breakfast. “Wanna go see Miss Kim, Jimbo?”

Jimmy laughed and clapped his hands as Matt swooped him up into his arms and grabbed his keys by theBuffykeychain Patty had given him once upon a time.

Money worries couldn’t compete with the kind of joy his son displayed. He laughed along with his boy, all the way to the car, and sang his favorite Wiggles songs on the road to the daycare. They arrived with five minutes to spare before the eight o’clock breakfast time.

The lobby of the daycare had sky-blue walls painted with puffy white clouds and a dozen brightly colored balloons floating among them. Two preschool age children sat together on a white bench below a large window into the newborn area. The director and one of the assistants stood behind the check-in desk on the right.

Kim raised an eyebrow when he and Jimmy stepped toward her. “Is that Jimmy York I see?” Her voice was exaggerated for the toddler’s benefit.

Jimmy giggled when he heard his name.

“You want to go have a muffin with Miss Stephanie? Are you hungry, baby?”

Matt gave his boy a quick kiss as the assistant whisked him away to the little cafeteria, the two preschoolers following behind them. He set the diaper bag on the desk. “Thanks for taking him at the last minute.”

She shook her head, the tiny beads in her braids clinking gently. “You know I am always here for your family.” Her brow wrinkled. “His mama still messing with you?”

He hated talking about Patty and the way she was behaving, but Kim had to understand why he so desperately needed her to be able to take Jimmy with barely a moment’s notice. He nodded, jaw tight, as he pushed his credit card toward her. “I just wish she’d agree to a permanent arrangement.” Every time he broached the subject, though, she shot him down.

Kim patted his hand before accepting the payment. “He’ll be safe with me. And he’s welcome anytime.” She swiped the card, then handed it back. “Now get on out of here,” she drawled. “You’re gonna be late for work.”

A quick glance at the clock perched near the red painted balloon confirmed she was right.

He double timed it back to the car. His job was too important to dawdle. He cued up his favorite gamer podcast to take his mind off his money troubles, and it worked like a charm. He even found a few new cheat codes to try when he got home.

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