Page 78 of Robby

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Finally, he would meet the infamous Patty, which he both dreaded and looked forward to in equal measure. On one hand, she’d been the best friend Matt had ever had. She was a window into his history, and Robby hungered for every new piece of the man available to discover.

At the same time, though, she might hate him on principle. She’d wanted the kind of relationship with Matt he had. Could she be happy for them? If she wanted to, she could keep him away from her son, which could draw a wedge between him and Matt in a way he might never overcome.

He shut down the bubbling anxiety as he parked the car in front of the shop. Either she’d like him, or she wouldn’t.

Though a short prayer never hurt anyone.

A quick petition to the Almighty later, he threw back his shoulders and strode inside. Matt waited in the seat immediately to the left of the door and popped to his feet when the bell sounded overhead.

“You look great, Rob.” Matt gave him a shy smile before tilting his head toward the woman at the counter. “Let me introduce you to Jimmy’s mom.”

Patty’s eyes narrowed as she caught sight of him. Men—and women too, he supposed—had taken his measure many times in his life, but he’d never felt the weight of their assessment the way he did hers. Her gaze catalogued every inch of him, from his barely styled hair, to his blue V-neck shirt, all the way down to his navy jeans and brown knock-off Helm boots.

His initial assessment of her from Closing Time held up fairly well on closer inspection. A red cloth headband held back her short brown hair. It brought out the rich color of her dark skin and matched the shade of her lipstick. She wore a black Alicia Keyes T-shirt and sported at least six green and red fabric bracelets with various designs on her right wrist.

Suppressing the urge to blind her with one of his sunshine smiles, he kept his face neutral as he approached.

Matt broke the ice. “Patty, this is Robby. Rob, Patty.”

He wasn’t sure she would accept his hand, but he offered it anyway. Her grip was cool and firm. It warmed him she accepted the peace offering, but he wouldn’t fool himself; a handshake was a far cry from a sign of approval.

“It’s really great to meet you. Matt says you were the best friend he had growing up.”

She gave nothing away with her silent shrug.

“I respect you wanting to get to know me before accepting me in your son’s life. I want you to know I take it very seriously. I grew up in a family and an environment where children were cherished and lifted up by the community.” As long as they didn’t make the mistake of ending up gay. “I’ve spent a lot of time around kids, and I love them. I’m sure I’ll love your son too.”

Patty’s face softened a little. “Did you grow up around here?”

“No. A small town, not too far away.”

“So, you’re still pretty close with your family.”

Why had he brought up his family? Stupid. “I was. Until they found out I was gay. They…couldn’t reconcile who I am with who they thought I should be. I’ve been on my own ever since.”

She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the counter. “Your family sucks. My mom’s always been there for me, no matter how much I’ve fucked up.”

Matt bumped her shoulder gently with his own. “When you love somebody, you don’t stop loving them just because they disappoint you.”

They shared a meaningful look.

A beat later, her gaze shot back to Robby. “What’s the deal with you and Matty?”

“Pat—” Matt tried to interrupt her, but she shooed him away.

“Because he’s right. I didn’t just stop loving him because he didn’t love me back the way I wanted him to. And maybe I don’t have any right to nose into what’s happening between you, but I’m asking anyway.”

“The deal is…we’re together. We fit.” He chanced a look at Matt, and the smile he found fortified him to continue. “I love him. Not as long as you have, but it doesn’t have to be a competition. I’m not trying to replace you in his heart. There’s room for both of us there.”

“What kind of man are you?”

“I’m loyal. Faithful.” He swallowed. “I work hard. I believe in God. I’m grateful every day for the friends who have become my family. And want to spend every day loving Matt…and hopefully, one day, your son too.”

“He already has two parents who love him.” She stood straight, folding her arms and lifting her chin in challenge.

“I don’t think anyone can have too many people who love them.”

Patty released her arms, but her chin didn’t drop at all. “I’ll think about it.”

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