Page 65 of Robby

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A single shake of his head.

“He seems pretty crazy about you. I can see a change in just the past week.”

“I’m not sure I can take all the credit.”

She tsked. “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, doll. You’re probably the first man he didn’t have to play twink with. Two quiet, submissive types might have a hard time ever getting down to business.”

He sat with the idea for a moment. Robbywasshowing a different side of himself. Even if the dirty talk and the gruff voice didn’t follow him into the real world, the confidence, the worldliness, obviously did.

“I guess I get what you’re saying.”

“Forgive me for being so forward, and you can tell me to just go on to hell for nosing in your business, but do you have any idea what you’re doing with that man?” She ran her ring finger over her right eyebrow, ghosting over the perfectly drawn arches with the tip of an electric-blue press-on nail. “No offense, but you look like Alice getting her first gander at Wonderland.”

He rubbed his eyes, the urge to shrink into himself overwhelming. If only the sofa could swallow him whole.


This could be an opportunity. Someone to talk to who might not judge him for his questions or uncertainty.

“No. I—I have no idea whatsoever.” Forcing himself to find some tenacity he didn’t really feel, he steeled his spine. “I don’t even understand how I ended up feeling this way about him.”

“Oh, doll, are you telling me you’ve never been with a man at all?”

He shook his head.

“Are you bi?”

“I don’t think so. Honest to God, I didn’t think I was anything before we got together. I mean, I tried to want people. Women. Men. It didn’t matter. No one did it for me. Not until Robby. Now, here I am, totally crazy about him, terrified about whatever comes next, and even more terrified I might lose him and go back to feeling nothing.”

Holy hell, had he really just spilled his guts to a stranger?

Sara looked unfazed. “You’re in the right place, baby. And you’re not the first person to need an emotional connection with somebody before they can flick your Bic. Hold on.”

She rose to her feet with the grace of a prima ballerina and crossed the room, then returned with a few printed sheets in her hand. “Take this home and read it. There is a whole spectrum of sexuality in the wide world. Yours is just one stop on the ride, and it’s just as valid as anyone else’s.”

He glanced down at the article in the printout titledAsexuality, Attraction, and Romantic Orientationfrom the LGBT Center at UNC-Chapel Hill.Several different categories were listed underneath.

“The labels aren’t really important, but I think when you read the article, you might see something of yourself in there.”

He folded the paper and slipped it into his back pocket. “Thanks.”

“I’m glad Robby’s found someone like you. Someone to care about him more than they want to fuck him.” She batted her false eyelashes. “Pardon my French.”

Did she know things about Robby he didn’t?

Something about Sara told him she probably knew a lot about everything. “I think you more than made up for it giving me all this homework to look over.”

“You ready to go?” Robby called out from the front door.

He tipped an imaginary hat to Sara, and she waved her index finger in farewell. “It was a pleasure, Miss Sara.”

“Oh, honey, a pretty face like yours? The pleasure was all mine.”

Chapter TWENTY


The Cooper sponsorship got the green light. As Amanda had delivered the news yesterday, Robby had picked her up and spun her around, prompting Kane to start beating his chest and spouting off about crushing the baby. Paul had signed the lease agreement, and now his husband Chris was here at the center, shooting interviews and video for the website they were working on.

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