Page 40 of Robby

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“Yes. To both questions.” Matt closed the door behind him and took a seat across from Robby. He swallowed down his nerves. “I want to talk about you, if it’s okay.”

Robby’s gaze swept down, and he began rearranging the plans and office supplies around him. “I’m cool. I just overdid things a little. It happens. No big deal.”

The temptation to accept the brush-off rose like a tidal wave, but the memory of Shawn’s slack face tamped it down. “I’m kind of new to having friends, so I’m probably doing this all wrong. But I’m going to get up in your business for a minute.”

The only sound in the room was the quiet hum of the air conditioning. Robby sat frozen, silent. Like ignoring Matt’s words would make him unsay them.

“I want you to know I am here for you. If you’re struggling with drugs or booze or…anything. You can call me anytime. We can talk or play games or hang out. You don’t have to go through this alone.”

Robby looked up, his expression neutral. “I haven’t done drugs in a long time. Years.” He exhaled. “I don’t really drink anymore either. Saturday, obviously, was an exception.”

“Did you—did I have anything to do with your slip? Was it the kiss or Patty or—”

“No.” Robby clenched his jaw and tugged against his collar.

His answer was emphatic, but Matt couldn’t tell if it was truthful.

Robby’s gaze flicked to the door, back to Matt, then the door again. Clearly, he wanted out.

“Listen, man, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Matt leaned forward. “Just promise me, you’ll reach out if you need me. Please.”

Robby stopped looking the door and met Matt’s stare. “I will. I promise.”



Matt leaned back in his chair with Robby’s assurance. His attempt to reach out was both awkward and sweet. And mortifying.

Flexing his fingers, Matt bobbed his head a little, like there was music in the room only he could hear. “I—I heard some of theBattlefieldmaps were on sale today.”

They’d been on sale almost twenty-four hours, but it didn’t take a genius to see Matt was trying. The games were a safe topic and easy way to an extend an olive branch.

Matt tapped his foot in a patter against the floor, his entire leg shaking with the staccato movement.

His nerves eased some of Robby’s own. “Really? We can check ’em out tonight if you’re not too busy with the baby.”

The bouncing stopped. “Nah. He’s back with his mom. I’d like to hang out a lot.” Matt glanced down at the plans. “Hey, are these the proposals for the custom build on Maple?”

“Yeah.” Robby frowned. “I think they’re still trying to figure out how to work in something weird the client wanted to do with the second floor. Some kind of rooftop deck? I dunno.”

Matt rubbed his chin. “I’ve actually got an idea about the proposal. There are a couple of sketches in my car if you think they might help.”

“Awesome.” This time, Robby’s grin was real.

It didn’t waver as he followed Matt down the steps, but it fell away as he came face to face with the very last person he expected to find at work.

John Porter stood with his polished loafers in the center of the muddy construction site. He’d folded the sleeves of his button-down shirt to his elbows. The shirt was tucked neatly into his pressed black slacks. He crossed his arms and gave off a cool expression as he surveyed the build. “Not a bad little set-up you have here.”

Robby took the last step down and faced his ex, head-on. “What are you doing here?”

“Just visiting an old friend.” His face was all innocence.

Robby didn’t buy it for a second. “We were never friends, John.”

Like a viper, John’s hand shot out and gripped the back of Robby’s neck. “That’s not how I remember it at all. We were the best of friends.” He tugged Robby toward him and gripped his hip with his other hand. “God, you feel just like I remember. The other night only whetted my appetite for another taste.”

Robby strained against John’s hold on him. “Let me go. I don’t want you here.”

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