Page 23 of Brick

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Liv hummed along to the old *NSync song playing on Spotify as she bustled around the small kitchenette. She’d mostly set the table before Izzy arrived and now wrapped up the finishing touches while her sister mixed the sweet tea. No less than a cup of sugar would do.

She beamed at the spread of fancy dinnerware and the linen tablecloth. “I’m so glad we’re starting Sunday dinners again.”

Iz smiled her agreement. They tried to keep the tradition alive when Will went to jail, but it hurt too much without him.

Her irritation with her brother had faded over the course of the week, and now she counted the minutes to his arrival. She squeaked when he knocked once and let himself in, then wrapped his waist in a brief, but probably too-tight, hug.

Will had perfect timing. He showed up right as the rolls came out of the oven.

Placing the basket of bread next to the gravy boat, she gestured to the cooling roast at the center of the table. “You wanna carve, big brother?” It had been Will’s job for as long as she could remember.

He took the offered knife with a smile and got to work. When he finished slicing the beef, the three of them sat down and filled their plates.

The silence hung heavy over the table, so she broke the ice. “How’s the build going, Will?” She really wanted to ask about Brick, but she wouldn’t open such a messy can of worms.

Her brother grunted. “We’ve got two going on right now, but they’re coming along.” He shoveled a heaping forkful of meat into his mouth.

“Everything else okay? You seem a little stressed.”

He swallowed and bit into his roll, chewing and talking at the same time. “My P.O.’s been riding me a bit. He’s being an asshole, making me come in a lot, pushing lots of random drug tests and shit. I’m ready to get my life back, you know?”

Izzy nodded sympathetically. “You’ve only got six more months of parole. Then you’re free of the hassle. You can do this, Will.”

He focused on his plate, putting away nearly half of his food in only a minute or two. She had never seen anyone eat so fast. When he noticed her attention, his cheeks—now filled like a chipmunk—colored, and he wiped his mouth with a napkin. “How about you, Iz? Things going well with your kung fu classes?”

“Krav Maga.” She rolled her eyes. “And yes, things are going great. Our little sister is one of the newest recruits.”

Will’s jaw dropped. “Liv?”

“Don’t act all surprised,” Liv chided. “I’m strong enough.”

“You don’t have anything to prove, Liv. Just because I worry about you, it doesn’t make me a dick.” He pushed his plate away, then took a healthy gulp of red wine. “I’m your brother. Worry is part of the job description.”

“You can worry all you want. It’s different from telling me what to do and who I’m allowed to talk to.” Despite her best efforts to stay calm, her face grew hot.

Iz waved her white cloth napkin in the air like a flag of surrender. “Anyone want to tell me what’s going on?”

“Nothing but our baby sister making time with a thug on my construction crew.” He poured himself another glass of Merlot. “He works for a drug dealer, Liv, and you were making doe-eyes at him.”

No way. “You know that for sure?”

He scoffed. “What? You’re defending him?”

“I don’t know him, Will, and it’s a non-issue. He’s not interested in me.” Now Liv took a turn finding solace in the wine. Apparently, she’d have to throw out a perfectly good pitcher of tea tonight. It sat untouched on the counter near the sink.

Izzy appeared offended on her behalf. “I don’t know this guy from Adam, but I can’t believe he’s not interested.” She waved her forkful of green beans in Liv’s direction. “You’re the whole package.”

“Fine. He’s interested, but he shut me down.” She shot a dirty look at her brother. “Satisfied? He told me he was bad news and sent me on my way.”

Will narrowed his eyes. “When did this happen?” Over-protective mode: engaged.

“You’re missing the point,” she ground out. “He said no, Will. Stop beating the horse. It’s dead.”

“Whatever.” He drained his glass, and when he set it down, the base clinked hard against the table. “I’ve got to get going. Got to get up early tomorrow.”

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