Page 30 of Everyone Loved Her

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“Yep, that’s the one. He’s crooked. He did my folks dirty.”

“Hmm,” Blaze didn’t offer any more commentary on that. He knew Beth was there to handle the Young’s estate. That was irrelevant to this. He was almost sure. “What time was this?”

“I don’t know? Nine? I don’t keep up with that.”

“Okay,” Blaze jotted it down. “Keep going.”

“I know she’s the last one who saw Sarah—I know that’s where Sarah was at. I was trying to get ahold of her, ‘cause I found out she was still screwing Ty, and you know, I get that she’s got theseurges,but I was just trying to tell her that Ithought it was a bad idea. She tells me she’s actually with Beth Young.”

“You were in Gale with some other girl though,” Blaze commented, thinking back to their last conversation.

“Yeah, whatever, anyway,” Lucas said quickly. “What I’m getting at is that I wanted to know if Sarah had told Beth anything about me, ‘cause she likes to blab about all our personal things.”

Blaze rubbed his brow, trying to keep it all straight. “Okay, so you approached Beth this morning outside of Greg Martin’s law office to ask her what she and Sarah talked about the night she went missing.”

“Yeah, ‘cause you sure as hellfire weren’t doin’ it.”

He ignored that. “What she’d say?”

“That she didn’t know nothing, and that Sarah just left her there. It sounded so pitiful, Cowboy. I can’t believe she would start throwing that around like that. I’ll bet Sarah told her a bunch of stuff, and it pissed her off, ‘cause Beth’s screwing Garrett Myers—and Sarah was closer to him than she was.”

Blaze was unmoved. “Beth had been back in town for three days. I don’t think she had started screwing anyone, Lucas.”

“Well, that’s all the time it took for my old lady to go screwin’ my friends.”

Blaze lifted his cowboy hat and wiped his brow. “So, back to what happened duringthisconversation with Beth.”

“Well, she just was acting real weird, trying to dodge me. Really pissed me off,” Lucas grumbled, his face growing a deeper shade of crimson.

“Yeah, I can tell.”

“Then, she jumps in her truck like I’m the law, and takes off, nearly ranme over.”

Blaze hesitated to write that down. “Where was your body in relations to the vehicle?”

He looked confused. “Do what?”

“Where were you standing when shetook off?” Blaze clarified.

“Oh, I don’t know. Right next to it. You know, close enough she coulda just mowed me right down.”

“But she was backing up?”

“What’s the difference?” Lucas grew irritated.

Blaze set his pen down on the table, leveling with Lucas. “Did you threaten her? Make her feel uncomfortable? It sounds like you approached her, intimidated her, and she reacted like any woman would against a man who was making her feel uncomfortable.”

Lucas shook his head. “You’re worthless.”

He blew out a sigh. “I’m taking the report. I’ll talk to her, get her side, and then we’ll go from there, okay? I’ll see what I can do.”

“Whatever.” Lucas shoved back from the table. “Nothin’ ain’t ever gonna get done in this town. You all just care about politics.”

“With all due respect,” Blaze cleared his throat. “I don’t think Beth Young has any pull in this town, Lucas. She hasn’t been a resident in years, and her family has no real influence.”

“But the Myers do with all their oil money,” Lucas sneered. “And she’s been Garrett’s kryptonite since she was seventeen. Probably before that.Everyoneknew it. Why do you think Sarah asked her to drinks, huh? You think it was just out of the kindness of her heart?No.I’m sure it was some scheme Garrett had up his sleeve to get her back in his life. He probably thoughtif he had Beth Young on his arm, his daddy might let him have his inheritance.”

“You got a lot of theories,” Blaze pushed back his chair and stood to his feet. “Maybe we should get together some time, and you can tell me all about them.”

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