Page 4 of SEAL's Resolve

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Now that he knew the identity of the kidnapping victim, Rafe understood why the kidnappers believed they could score so much money in a short period of time. Callie had told Rafe that Stewart was worth at least $100 million, easy. Kristi’s father could pony up $5 million without blinking an eye.

Even if Stewart paid, the kidnappers might kill Kristi rather than risk her divulging too much information about them. Based on conversations with Stewart in the past, the powerful millionaire wouldn’t cave to the kidnappers’ demands.

Rafe frowned. Callie had mentioned another kidnapping incident when Kristi was in elementary school, at least twenty years ago. Was it possible this kidnapping was related to the other one? Unlikely, he decided.

He crested the mountain and started down the other side, working his way closer to the coordinates indicated by the tracker. Now that Rafe knew who the vic was, the GPS tracker made sense. Ransoming Kristi Stewart would net the kidnappers a fortune if the point of the kidnapping was to score a boatload of money.

He couldn’t discount the possibility that this was more about Kristi than her father’s fortune. Sure, the kidnappers stood to gain wealth. However, their main goal might be connected to the woman herself rather than her father.

Since Callie’s death, Rafe had stayed away from her social circles. The corners of his mouth curled. Not like that had been a difficult task. He didn’t belong in that world and never would. After Callie died, none of her friends had sought him out to offer condolences. None, that is, except for Kristi.

She had sent him a letter, sharing two funny incidents involving Callie that made him laugh on a day when grief consumed him from the inside out. Even though they were from different worlds, Kristi Stewart was a class act. She didn’t deserve this.

Rafe would do as his boss ordered, suck it up and do the job. Once Kristi was back in her ivory palace, Rafe would return to the world’s underbelly to fight terrorists who loved to destroy innocents like her.

As Rafe hiked closer to Kristi’s location, he called Durango’s leader, Josh Cahill.

The Delta warrior answered immediately. “Sit rep.”

“Heading to the vic’s location.” Rafe relayed his location and the best extraction point. “My SUV is on the wrong side of Hart Mountain.”

“We’ll collect your ride and drive it to PSI. We’re tracking your phone and the vic’s tracker. Don’t lose your phone, frog boy.”

Rafe’s lips curved at the teasing moniker from the seasoned soldier. “I hear you, grunt.”

He switched his phone to silent and hugged the shadows. Although he doubted the kidnappers had posted guards this far out, he wouldn’t chance being wrong. Kristi’s life depended on him.

Rafe checked the tracking program again. No movement. That meant the kidnappers believed they were safe or they had removed the tracker and left it behind to throw off a possible rescuer.

Praying it was the former, Rafe stepped up his pace. He had much to accomplish in a short window of time. Minutes later, he crouched in the deep shadows of the tree line, gaze locked on a lone rental cabin. The kidnappers had chosen their location well. The closest neighbor was two miles away.

Lights were on in one half of the target cabin. The other half remained in darkness. He suspected that area contained bedrooms.

Rafe stayed in place, watching for a guard outside the cabin. Two minutes later, a man dressed in black walked around the corner of the structure, gaze scanning the area as he headed toward the front door. When the man appeared satisfied that he was alone, he climbed the porch stairs and went inside.

Within less than a minute, a dim light illuminated a previously dark room. Seconds later, the room was dark again and stayed that way.

Wondering if Kristi was in that room, Rafe remained in place for ten minutes longer. How often did the kidnappers search the perimeter? The mission clock in his head reminded him that Kristi’s safety margin was running out. If Stewart had hired Fortress Security to rescue his daughter, he wasn’t planning to pay the ransom. That left only five hours to come up with a series of plans and free Kristi.

Still no movement. Time to move. Rafe needed to get Kristi off Hart Mountain.

He remained in the safety of the tree line as he circled the clearing to reach the dark end of the cabin. With no sign of the guard returning for another perimeter check, Rafe slid off his pack and set it behind a tree to retrieve after he freed Kristi. He checked his weapon and slid a Ka-Bar into the scabbard he strapped to his thigh.

Rafe searched for the best approach and, after choosing his route, crossed the clearing to the cabin, utilizing the meager cover available. When he reached the cabin’s wall, Rafe peered around each corner to confirm no guards were in sight.

Male laughter came from the other end of the cabin. A door closed. More male laughter, this time louder.

Rafe glanced around for cover. The only hiding place was the bush ten feet away. With silent steps, he hurried to the bush and slid between the plant and the wall, careful not to let the shrub brush against his clothes and give away his presence.

Male voices drew near. “Think the old man will pay up?” Guard One asked.

“He knows what will happen if he doesn’t,” Guard Two answered. “Stewart has the money. Five million bucks is pocket change to him, and he adores his daughter. He’d be stupid not to pay to get her back.” Contempt filled his voice.

“What if he calls the cops?”

“He won’t. Have you seen anything out here?”

“Nope. This place gives me the creeps. There ain’t nothing out here but trees and more trees. I heard black bears and wolves roam the woods, too.”

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