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“I’m fine. How are you?”

“I’m…uncertain. I’ve been thinking about what Miles said at Willa’s party.”

I genuinely can’t believe it. Of all the surprises I’ve had in the last twenty-four hours, this might be the biggest. Miles loving me almost makes sense because he’s always had a capacity for love. Dad pondering whether or not he made a mistake? Unprecedented.

“And your grandfather pointed out some things.”

Lord, give me strength. My father can’t apologize to save his life.

“I may have been unfair to you, Georgia. I had Ava show me some of the covers you’ve done, and some of the comments people make about them online. Exuberant praise, to be precise. I didn’t know the extent of what you do.”

I’m kind of surprised Ava came out swinging in my corner, too. She’s more likely to worship Dad than go up against him. It’s nice of her, though.

“Your work is unusual,” he goes on. “It’s difficult for me to encourage that because I want you to be successful.”

Once again, he’s pitting success opposite my art as if they’re two unrelated concepts. “I am successful, Dad. I’m making a good living on my artandworking at a store that I love. That’s success to me. And if you can’t see that?—”

“I will try.”

I need to mark this day down on my calendar. It’s the closestthing to an “I’m sorry I was wrong” I’ve had from him in…ever. “Are you feeling all right?”

The slightest chuckle. “I am not as wholly unfeeling as it may seem. I want what’s best for all my children.”

“Then try to see the same in Sam’s career, too. He’s good at what he does, even though he’s not in an office crunching numbers.”

He makes another sound, and I suspect that’s enough negotiating for him today. “I will try.”

Tryis apparently all I’m going to get. That’s a lot for him. It’s not nearly enough, but for him it’s significant.

“Thank you.”

“Ava wants me to be sure you know you’re invited for Thanksgiving.”

We’ve almost got a month to go, but I won’t forget. Holidays, at least, keep a spot on my mental calendar. “I know.”

“And Miles is invited, too. If you want.”

Even Dad and Ava are getting in on the Miles and Georgia train. And now I’m back to feeling sad and confused.

“Thanks, Dad. I’ll let him know.”

We hang up, and I kind of stare at the wall for a while.Miles. He’s always the answer. I just can’t figure out the right question.

I can’t do this alone. It’s time to call for backup.

Georgia: Can I come over? I’m spiraling

Sam: Get over here

When I walk through his apartment door, I head straight across the living room and fall face-first onto his couch.

“That’s dramatic.” He sits down on the coffee table and nudges me with his knee. “What’s going on?”

Iturn my face sideways so I’m not talking into the couch cushion. “Miles is in love with me.”

“Everybody knows that.”

I get up on my elbows. “You do not.”

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