Page 84 of Just Act Natural

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Which…actually wouldn’t be so bad, now that I think about it. Maybe he should give Grant some location ideas.

Grant tips him the classic guy chin nod. “I will, thank you.”

“Hope said your family owns a sporting goods store?” Momsays. As if she hasn’t been eating up every crumb I’ve been willing to give her.

“Outdoor stores,” I correct. “There are thirteen locations across Texas. And they sell more hiking and camping-related gear than team sports stuff.”

One side of Grant’s mouth tilts up. “Have you been researching new activities to try?”

“I looked at the website once or twice for strictly informational purposes only.” And then pored over theAbout Uspage where there’s a picture of the whole Irwin family. Fresh air apparently grows gorgeous babies because all three brothers are straight fire.

“Does that type of work involve a lot of travel?”

Mom’s extra hopeful and not at all subtle question is a little dagger straight to my heart. It’s a question I’ve been dying to ask, but haven’t had the guts. So far, we haven’t talked about what happens after his weeks here are over. We’re just…enjoying the middle part, even though the end is unknown.

I don’t even realize I’ve gone achingly stiff until Grant’s hand moves over my lower back, soothing me out of it.

“It doesn’t usually,” he answers. “But I have other reasons to travel.”

Kinda wish it were an hour or two later so it would be too dark to see how flaming red my cheeks must be right now.


I’m rescued from further embarrassment by one of my favorite people. Tess’s son, August, zooms at me through the crowds scattered in the yard. I hoist him up into my arms. He gives the best hugs. He fully commits with his head on my shoulder and his arms around my neck.

“Don’t you look nice tonight?” He’s wearing khakis and a plaid short sleeve dress shirt like a little businessman. His messy pale blond hair ruins the look, but I love it.

“Mama said if I dress up I can have cake. And I always want cake.”

“Didn’t your mama make the cake?” Tess’s desserts are sinfully decadent. If she weren’t so impossibly sweet herself, I might think she sold her soul to the devil to come up with the recipes.

“It’s for Hope and that guy.” He twists in my arms to point at Griffin.

The adults all laugh, the question of whether or not Grant will ever return to Sunshine forgotten. Or in my case, pushed aside to agonize over another time.

Griffin shakes his head, but his grin proves he’s not too disappointed. “We’re still not on a first name basis, huh? That hurts, little man.”

“Don’t take it too hard.” Tess pops up next to Hope, with Wren behind her. “Names aren’t his strong suit.”

“I know Ian.” August seems to feel the need to prove his mom wrong. “And Dutch.”

I eye Tess. “Do you now?”

She shakes her head the tiniest fraction. “It’s because he sees our neighbor every day.”

There’s more going on there, but this is a terrible time to question her about it. For her, anyway. For me, it would be a fantastic diversion.

“Well, try to remember this guy’s name. This is my friend, Grant. Grant, this is my buddy August.”

Grant reaches over to shake his little hand. August’s suddenly serious, completing the businessman look.

“Nice to meet you, August.”

“I saw you over at Shepherd’s.” Wren says it like an accusation. “I should have known you were the adonis.”

Mom titters as though she wasn’t the one who got thatnickname going. I clear my throat, hoping that will activate a time machine to blip us backward thirty seconds.

“I’m Wren. This is my sister Tess. We’ve been dying to meet Lila’s boyfriend.”

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