Page 51 of Just Act Natural

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“Great to meet you, Grant. How do you two know each other?”

“We met on the Horizon Hikes trip I did.”

She doesn’t mention our supposed relationship. Does this mean we’ll only be pretending when we see her mom and ex-fiancé? Am I supposed to keep my story straight from person to person? I don’t know how any of this is supposed to work. Most of the books I read center on adventure quests, not pretend relationships.

“How did that go?” Her gaze drifts over Lila. “Wait, did you just get back today?”

“You can’t tell by how ragged I look?”

“Girlfriend, you always look good. I want to hear more about the trip. It will help me make recommendations to guests. But let’s get Grant checked in for now.” She types around on her computer. “You’re in the Archer cabin. That’s a beautiful spot.”

She slides two keycards and a map of the property toward me. “We’re here.” She circles the lodge. “The Archer is the farthest out, so you’ll take this road and wind your way up. Signs are posted everywhere, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding it. We have fresh-baked cookies in the lobby every afternoon at one. Every evening at five we have a social hour with complimentary cocktails and cocoa. Let us know if there’s any activity we can help you arrange.”

“Thanks very much.” I grab the information she provided, and Lila and I head out.

We don’t get far before she groans. “Seriously?”

She slips her hand into mine. I soak her warmth up for about two seconds before I catch on.

Josh walks through the lodge’s main entrance. A smooth smile spreads over his face when he recognizes us. “Small world.”

“Why are you here?” Lila asks.

“You always talked about this place.” His gaze drifts around the lobby. “I wanted to see it for myself.”

“Why are you inmy hometown?”

His easy laughter sounds designed to irritate. “Relax. I told you—I’m shopping.”

“For what?”

“I’m looking to acquire a start-up in Bend. I thought my presence might sway them to our terms, so—” He spreads hishands wide. “I’ll be in town as long as it takes to seal the deal.”


His smug smile is unaffected by her sarcasm.

“Let me take you two out to dinner tonight. As a sign of good will.” He looks to me for the decision, probably because he already knows Lila’s answer. “We can talk business or…whatever it is you do.”

He sizes me up like he’s trying to guess my bank account balance. I don’t have a lot of patience for guys who think they know everything about me based on how expensive my watch is. Then again, there was never much hope I would get along with Lila’s ex.

“I can’t say that I’m interested in that.” I squeeze her hand. “Are you ready?”

“More than ready.”

Josh moves to the side so we can pass him. “I’ll see you around, Lilabird.”

Once we’re out of earshot, I turn to her. “Can I ask you a question?”

She sighs. “Why did I date him?”

“I wasn’t going to be that direct.” I choose to believe she saw something beyond his looks and money—mostly because I want her to see more than that in me.

“Okay. What’s your question?”


She makes a face like she might rather talk about her reasons for dating him. “Your real question is ‘Did he know?’, right? He knew. I told him I didn’t like it, but he said it hurt his feelings that I would think he was trying to make fun of me.”

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